Friday, July 1, 2011

The Peanut Gallery

At Dr. Emily’s abortion clinic I often see the same people from the neighborhood walk back and forth going to work and such. Many times they stop and talk to me about what goes on in the clinic. They do abortions there? They kill babies in there? Those escorts are helping them abort their babies!? I hear this so often. The people who live in the area don’t like that there is an abortion clinic in the South Bronx. Sometimes the best part of my day is when a random stranger comes up to me and says Thank you for standing up for what is right. Abortion is wrong. These women shouldn’t be in here.

One time when I was talking to a woman who was heading into the clinic to get an abortion I heard a voice yell out from across the street towards the woman “Don’t do it!” That makes my day.

1 comment:

Tim said...

From the Peanut Gallery in MD:

"Thank you for standing up for what is right, fighting for life, and letting women know they have better options!"