Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sidewalk counseling again

So the other day, before heading back to the Queens office, I was sent to Choices, the abortion facility that does more abortions in the five boroughs of the City.

I have done sidewalk counseling in the past, that it has been a while since my last time so I decided to talk and learn from some of the veterans that were there ir order to make the most of my time. And that was how I met Sister Dorothy.

Sister Dorothy is a nun that gives workshops to teach people how to approach the women that are running into the abortion mill, what to tell them, what to offer and how to offer it. She was great.

I realized that her main weapon was love, respect and comprehension. She never judge them, never yells at them or never force them to get their pamphlet or listen to her.

It was magical, I was shocked. I hope this week I could attend one of her workshops in order to improve my skills and be more helpful in the future. For the moment, still praying for the end of abortion.

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