Monday, July 6, 2015

Rachel's Joy PART 1

Hi there everyone! This is Eli and Violet!

For the following two weeks we won't be staying at the Bronx LifeHouse, instead we will be at Rachel's Joy Maternity House

What? Where? Why? Would you ask. Let us introduce our work here...

Rachel's Joy is not just a maternity house, it is a warm home for pregnant mothers who are willing to change their lives. Amazing isn't it? This is the first time we hear about a place like this.

We are here to make a difference in someone's life, to encourage these future mothers and bring them up, make them responsible and autonomous... We are like their mentors but also their  friends, as all of them have different and difficult backgrounds and situations and need a friend. 
And also we will do our best to let them know Jesus Christ, not only through our words but through our acts. We want to be the face of Christ in their lives.

For the following two weeks we are going to be Susan and Pastor Vincent's helping hands :-)

It's been a nice weekend, as we celebrated the 4th of July in Coney Island helping in their church with the homeless, providing them food and clothes, and also painting kids faces and singing christian songs to worship!! We had so much fun and we felt part of this lovely community!!!


Today we were supposed to interview a girl that was coming to the house, but finally she is not, so Susan did some orientation with us about Rachel's Joy rules and taught us how to interview candidates to come to the home.

We will write you soon with news!!!

Jesus says "Come to me all you who are weary and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28

Eli & Violet

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