Monday, July 13, 2015

Hard Reality

Good morning ProLifers.
As much as I look at the situation around the abortion clinics, I can say that they are a business with an only purpose: giving unhappiness and hopelessness to lots of innocent mothers. Most of their clients go in to the clinic thinking that they are going to find help over there. Actually they don't find help, but the worst solution they could be given: ABORTION. To the workers of the clinic, having an abortion is the only Choice, and they really believe it. But that is not the Truth.
The truth is that the mothers have many other options to choose while they are pregnant, and they really need to know them. So this is why we are every day in front of the clinics. Because we believe that by giving the mothers some information about how they can move on with their pregnancy, they won't hopefully consider abortion as the best option, but as the worst one. We need to be as nice as we can so these mothers feel like we really want to help them, not doing business with their baby.
We need excellent trainings, excellent attitude, and of course more and more prayers from those who really believe in Life.
Let's save Lifes!
Thank you very much everyone.

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