Thursday, July 8, 2010

Where the Lines Overlap

My job here at EMC has many demands, one of which is dealing with whatever comes my way. A few evenings ago, for lack of a Spanish speaker, I had to counsel a purely Spanish-speaking client from Guatemala.

Luckily, God had sent her there with her best friend who could speak both Spanish and English. Her friend was able to translate our entire conversation.

I realized that in many ways this ended up being a blessing for our client. 1) She was able to hear the truth in her friend's voice, which is reassuring. 2) Her friend was able to learn about abortion and become concerned about my client's safety, which means the client's baby has someone else fighting for his life.

The friend was surprised to find out that she and the client were thirteen years older than me. She continually praised me and said I should come speak at her son's high school. I truly bonded with these two women, it was beautiful.

I felt relieved that when the client left she would be in good hands. Even though our ages, our cultures, and our languages overlapped instead of matching up, God was able to touch my client's heart. She began crying and I could see how precious her heart was.

My client is scheduled for an ultrasound soon and I am full of hope for her and her baby.

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