Friday, July 2, 2010

I'll Never Give Up On You

Three weeks ago I met a beautiful, talented young woman named "Talia". Talia and I ate lunch together after she decided to keep her baby and began forming a friendship.

Two weeks later, Talia began getting distant and saying she was getting "it taken out". Everything seemed to be going way downhill, especially when Talia's phone got turned off. I had no way of reaching Talia or of knowing what was going on.

Each one of my clients mean so much to me and I would never give up on any of them. Talia was no different, so I had to keep hope. I had to trust that God would work out the things I wasn't able to.

A few days ago I was able to talk to Talia! We ate dinner together and bonded even more. She is such a lovely person. I was able to pray with her and she even expressed a sadness that I wouldn't be in New York when she had her baby!

Talia has been given up on many times in her life, so maybe it will just take one person who refuses to give up on her or her baby. Talia will go through several challenges in the months to come, but no matter what happens I will never give up on her or her precious little baby.

God calls us to love as He loves. God loves with a love that does not give up. I do my best to extend that love to Talia and her baby in hopes that Talia will find that love within herself for her own child.

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