Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Long Live the Queens

Contemplating on my second day of work with the EMC internship, I realized just how much help New York City women need especially in the Queens. One of the EMC Frontline Pregnancy Centers is located on a street with about ten other abortion clinics within Queens. No wonder many women feel like abortion is their only option when they have an unwanted pregnancy. The City of New York does not really offer any other solutions. Looking at these EMC Pregnancy Centers running with such fervor and hard-work in the midst of increasing pressure and difficulties from the abortion clinics and from government laws really inspires me to keep working hard for the pro-life cause.
The Queens is a rough and busy place. It can be very difficult reaching out to individuals here because of their strong confidence and stubbornness, but I learned from Carmen, the director of the EMC Pregnancy Center in Queens, that if one uses their own proud attitude towards them, one can reach their hearts. Sometimes one has to be a little fiery in order to melt a cold heart. Javier, another intern, and I were handing out pamphlets talking about the effects of abortion and abortion alternatives just feet away from an abortion clinic in the Queens. I felt empowered knowing that our organization was not scared to give out the truth so close to the enemy. We were able to reach many people, and one man even came back for another pamphlet to give to his friend. I used to think before this internship that people would not be able to handle seeing pictures of dead babies , but people want to know the truth. A good bit of them believe abortion is just another medical procedure. Women do not realize that the baby within them is more than a lump of tissue. Although we did get quite a few rejections in the Queens, those who accepted made us standing in the hot sun all the more worth it. Long live the babies of Queens.

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