Thursday, July 8, 2010

"Let the Sun Shine In"

I could not have had a more perfect client today at Liz's office. "Mabel" came in scared and confused. She said her ex had told her to have an abortion because he wanted nothing to do with her or the baby.

Before we even started talking she said "I have never believed in abortions and I know nothing about them". She came in searching for answers about abortion. "Mabel" definitely came to the right place!

Just seeing the computer generated abortion procedures video made her sick to her stomach and she resolved from there not to do it. While sitting in our counseling room she deleted her ex's number from her phone and said she was going to have a fresh start.

Before she left the office she thanked all of us for being her support team and said she felt more happy than she had for the past two months.

God allowed the truth to shine in her heart.

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