Wednesday, July 7, 2010

From Russia with Love

Today was a day of international efforts to save a baby. Our first client was a young woman from Russia who has only been in the US for two weeks.

She came to the center with the woman she lives with and the woman's 13 year old daughter. The client spoke very little English and the woman, who was a friend of the girl's mother, made her daughter do most of the translating while we tried to find another translator.

The young mother was only planning to be in the US for a short period of time and wanted to go back to Russia. She did not know she was pregnant when she left her country.

We utilized our international EMC connections and contacted the Heartbeat International office. They joyfully agreed to help us find information on crisis pregnancy resources in Russia.

The Sisters of Life came through once again miraculously locating a Russian speaking religious sister.

This beautiful young mother was stuck living in a country that was not her home with a woman who wanted nothing to do with her or her baby. She was verbally abusive to the girl in the center both in Russian and English.

I will never forget the look on the mother's face when she saw her 8 week little baby on the ultrasound monitor and heard the little heartbeat. Her face was glowing; she smiled beautifully and shed a few tears.

Some things do not need to be translated.

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