Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"I felt the baby kick!"

No matter how hard we try to explain to people the emotions involved in working for EMC the words are never truly enough. When we have a good day it’s like God came to earth and touched your soul and when we have a bad day there’s a physical pain that hurts the very core of your being.

This is why we’re interns. No matter how much pain we suffer the joy that we experience always triumphs. Today was a joyful day for me.

I was walking to work when I received a text message. I wasn’t expecting one but being an intern requires us to be on call at all times; even if that means in the middle of the night. When I pulled out my phone it was from one of my girls who turned around about 5 weeks ago. Her text message read as follows:

"Rose! Oh my gosh!!! I think I felt the baby when I was in the train. It wasn’t cramps or gas or any sharp pains. It was just like a little bump but I jumped because I wasn’t really expecting it! Can this really be possible?? I’m positive. Certainly, it was the baby.”

After reading her text I was overwhelmed with joy for her and I immediately responded saying that it was about that time in the pregnancy when she would feel quickening and it would get progressively stronger until the baby settled down before her delivery.

She thanked me for talking her out of the abortion and for giving her the opportunity to experience the joys of all the different stages of pregnancy and that she would keep me updated on all the major news she received from her doctor.

Being able to walk with my girls through their pregnancy is so satisfying. I have to opportunity everyday to love and serve my girls and in return I receive their trust and appreciation.

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