Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Daily Battles

There is a spanish pop music group that wrote a song a few years ago called so, "Daily Battle". I really like it not only because of the music, but for its description of the everybody's struggle to live in this world. There's no life without trouble, as there's no trouble without life. There is nothing we can do, so our happiness on life depends on our attitude towards it.

We can either fight and try to solve our problems to make them dissapear, or we can give up the very first minute when we meet the first difficulty. But what makes us better and what tells the difference is choosing not the most confortable but the BEST option. Complaining makes us miserable, and does not solve anything.

It's something that happens with pregnant mothers that want to abort. They are scared and under pressure many times, and fear of the problems they have blocks them and makes them think they are not ready to be mothers. Well, they are mothers already, and the last thing a mother should do is thinking of his baby as a problem itself. Problems in life are not to be hidden, but faced and solved.

I like the "Daily Battle" song also because OUR JOB is a battle too. We try to do our best, and if one day it's us who give up... it's the mothers who pay. Our enemy is selfishness, fear. But our weapons are good intentions, empathy, abilities to listen, and overall, prayer, prayer, prayer, prayer. Did I mention prayer too? Soldiers without weapons surrender easily.

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