Friday, July 2, 2010


So we got word of another case of women being lied to at Emily's Abortion clinic. A woman came out who was there for an ultrasound, not an abortion, but even so, when she asked to hear her baby's heart beat, she was told there wouldn't be a heartbeat yet.

She was 9 weeks pregnant.

Even the ultrasound pictures were poor quality, blurry, so the baby looked like a blob.

At nine weeks the baby recognizes the mother's voice, let alone have better a proportioned body with brainwaves, a face, arms, legs, fingers, toes, and all internal organs functioning -

INCLUDING the heart, which actually starts beating about 18-21 days after conception.

Even with Dr. Emily's new addition of brown opaque tape woven through their back wire fence - Some lies, no matter how you try to hide them, will always remain too transparent. You can never completely block out the truth.

Just do me a favor, Dr. Emily's, google "fetus first heart beat," open up a textbook on prenatal development that was published in the last 10 years - the heart beats 18 - 21 days from conception.

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