Saturday, July 17, 2010

More Than Chance

As I prepare for my departure from New York, and the end of my internship at EMC, I have come to one main realization: my presence here is more than chance.

It truly amazes me how God uses specific people and makes sure they meet other specific people, in order to accomplish His good. To some, it may seem coincidental, but it is much more than chance.

For example, a few days ago "Candi" text me after she added me as a friend on Facebook to tell me that my hometown is the place she is moving. She is being kicked out of her home here in the Bronx because she is pregnant, and is now headed to the town right near my hometown.

What are the chances?! I will be able to be there when Candi gives birth, how exciting! Any other counselor could have talked to Candi that day, I could have been sent to a different office, or been out to lunch. But, it certainly didn't work out that way.

These instances are more than chances, they are works of God. Every client I have met with, every EMC staff member I've worked with, and every random New Yorker I've been in contact with was put in front of me for a reason.

I am so grateful for this experience and quite sad to say goodbye to so many wonderful people that I met because of more than chance.

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