Saturday, July 3, 2010

". . . my Baby"

No teenage pregnant girl is ever ready to be a mother. Of course not, considering their age, marital status, career, family priorities and so on. Another common phenomenon among them is that they always refer to their babies as 'it'. Since they do not want the baby, 'it' is better stripped of every human attribute in order to dispose of 'it'.

The case of 'Tessy' is not an exception. I have this habit of watching their facial expression as they watch Choice Blues. Tessy didn't like the pictures, though, but during the counseling session she said she doesn't want anything to interrupt her academics, not even this pregnancy. "I don't want it; I'm not ready for it."

After a long session, I felt this girl doesn't have any attachment to her baby, I then challenged her, "Have you considered adoption?"

"I can't give out my baby." came her response, the very first time "it" became a baby.

"Why not?"

"He might enter into the hands of bad parents and they would maltreat him."

"Then he shouldn't suffer death in the hands of his own mother," I replied. Her expression changed immediately, and I could see a feeling of guilt in her. I told her that it would be better for her child to live and suffer than to be denied life which is the basis of all rights; "and how are you so certain he would suffer. Give him life first and leave the rest to God."

Before Tessy left, I had an assurance that nothing will happen to her baby. Now Tessy is one of our prenatal patients. Praise God!

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