Saturday, August 23, 2014

More prayers, please!!

This week has been a particularly busy one, with a steady flow of clients coming into our offices each day. We've had a whole host of situations, some good, some bad. Many clients left our offices with a lot of information to consider before making a final decision, some sat in front of us and decided to choose life, and others, unfortunately, walked out to find the nearest abortion clinic. 

The ups and the downs of this job are not just trivial burdens ... These are real lives. And I don't just mean the lives of the babies. The women who are choosing life or death for their children are changed forever, depending on which route they take. 
All we can do is try to offer them a few things they might not find elsewhere:
- the information they need to make an informed decision
- compassion
- a listening ear
- and most importantly love. True, sacrificial, unconditional love. 

I'd like to ask you to pray for all the women we've seen. (We could be here all day writing about every one of them, and their stories!) This week has shown me again the importance of prayer and perseverance. These women and babies deserve our prayers. Maybe no-one else is praying for them right now. You don't need their names, you can just offer a prayer or a small sacrifice for someone in a crisis pregnancy who needs some help. God's got this whole thing worked out, so we need to just draw close to Him in prayer and never stop trusting.

Instead of pouring a bucket of icey-water over your head, I nominate you all to take 10 minutes out of your day, and pray for someone in a crisis pregnancy. And if you don't know what to say, or haven't prayed for a while, try this daily prayer for the unborn:

"Heavenly Father, as the author of life, touch with compassion the hearts of those women and men who, with your help, have conceived human life and now think of abortion not parenthood. Help them to understand that their newly created child and all children are made in your image and likeness and made for eternal life with You.
Dispel their fears and helplessness and give them true and generous hearts to love their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a parent alone can give. And when your children turn away from you through abortion, penetrate their hearts to seek your loving forgiveness and healing power.
Finally Lord, soften the hearts of the abortionists and enlighten all elected officials to protect the unborn, to accept your loving grace and to recognize the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. Amen."
Finally, I asked that you would pray for the Church of Holy Innocent's in Manhattan a few weeks ago, well their latest newletter is really amazing. Look on this link and at the picture of the sonogram at the end. Wow!

And here's a link to the petition to keep this beautiful Church open!

And if you aren't all prayer-ed out after that, please offer a prayer for us too! We so appreciate it.
Thank you all so much for your support.
God bless, Vx

Our Lady of Gaudalupe, pray for us.
St Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

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