Saturday, August 16, 2014

Jesus is the Answer

I want to share with you what happened in the office recently as I sat with a client and her (ex) boyfriend, the father of her child. 

Discussion about pregnancy and abortion and options and life situations turned into a few hours of "couples counseling." Although the client had said she was pretty set on abortion, she said ideally she would want to keep the baby and be in a relationship with the father. He apparently wants the same thing so we talked about the issues and reasons behind the break up and what it is that is keeping them from being together. 
After a couple hours, it felt like they were going in circles and the only solution I could think of was to give it to God. I knew from earlier that the girl was a Christian but I wasn't sure where he stood but eventually I felt like all I could do was ask him how he felt about praying. He said he didn't know what he believes but after I shared about the ways God helps me through things and can change hearts, he agreed to pray right then and there.
So on the spot he took her hand and out loud prayed for Jesus to help him and her. It was a powerful moment!
After praying, he said that he would keep praying and that his friends would think he was crazy and ask who he is talking to but he will just be like, "Dude I'm talking to Jesus!"
I was amazed!
Now the girl is still considering abortion but I encouraged them to pray about everything individually and together. She has a sonogram scheduled with us for this coming Thursday, so hopefully that will help change her mind completely.
Please join me in thanking God for what He is doing in their hearts and in continuing to pray for them as they try to sort things out.

Laura and I outside Dr Emily's recently:

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