Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Happy Mistake

Today I was in our Brooklyn office which is located on the 9th floor at 44 Court Street. While we work to save the lives and health of women, below us on the 3rd and 6th floors are two clinics who take the lives of innocent children.

As a result we sometimes open the door to a client who has mistaken us for one of these two other clinics. Usually they do not realize their mistake right away, and all too often they leave angry and upset that we will not provide the services that they desire.

This afternoon I opened the door for a somewhat confused-looking client. She asked if this was the abortion clinic. So I told her to come on in and we would help her. She signed in and was then counseled by one of our newer interns. They sat and talked for about 10 minutes as they filled out our intake form. Then, even before we did our usual pregnancy test, video, and sonogram the client had already been convinced that she should keep her child!

When I had a moment during this process, I talked with the intern briefly a discovered that the client had visited the clinic on the 3rd floor and was trying to get back to them before she stopped at our office. But as the intern told the client, "You were not supposed to go to them today, you were supposed to be here."

Some times we are lost and confused, but God always knows what He is doing and where we are going; even if we have no idea. God sent us this woman today because we could give her an opportunity to share in His wonderful gift of life instead taking that beautiful life away.

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