Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Learning to let go.

Over the last week or so, the Brooklyn office has been pretty busy and I've gotten to be part of many victories as well as many tough cases. 

I've recently had several clients in their 2nd trimester seeking an abortion. A few of these have been late term(20 weeks or more).

After doing everything I can to counsel these women and follow up with them, I'm left in a place of uncertainty. For example the girl I mentioned earlier this week who is now 24+ weeks (if still pregnant) hasn't responded to my calls or text so I have no idea whether she went through with it or not. 

Even though it's really hard to face these things, it's really good for my faith. God is using it all to strengthen my trust in him and just to let go. All I can do is keep praying and trust the outcome to the Holy Spirit. There's only so much I can do, but I know God is so faithful and the victory belongs to him!

Some of us interns after a busy day in the Brooklyn office:

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