Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Truth of Human Sexuality

Today at Dr. Emily abortion facility I had a long conversation with a few young women who were there with a friend that was getting an abortion. As usual on Saturday, there were many clinic escorts and it was difficult to maintain conversations but eventually the girls came and spoke to me.

According to them, neither one of them would get one (an abortion) themselves, but thought it was the decision of every individual person to make. One reason why they, like many others, think abortion should be available is that they cannot imagine a world in which only people were open to children would have sex.

But as I tried to explain the simple idea that those having sex should be open to children a sort of light-bulb seemed to go off. One in particular nervously laughed but after pressing further she admitted it made sense. Beside making the intellectual point I also had a feeling that something resonated with this young lady.

So many ills would be cured if all people could practice this sort of common sense.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Very good point. I daresay no one who ends up having an abortion ever planned or wanted to have one. And yet there are a million abortions every year in this country. There wouldn't be any if people understood that sex naturally leads to babies and therefore can't be used as just recreation.