Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I was very impressed by a woman who came in on Monday. She is 36, from Guyana, between her poor English and mine, we had a little problem understanding each other, but by speaking slowly and wanting to know what the other one was saying, we manage.
When I went to the front desk in Queens’ office to fetch her, I saw that she was accompanied by a friend. I asked for which one of them was the counseling, when they told me that it was for Miss B, I asked her to go to the restroom to have the pregnancy test done. Then, Miss B and I went to the room and I ask the visitor to sit in the waiting-room.
While completing the intake form, she told me that she was determined to get an abortion done. She had only been with her boyfriend a month, she wasn’t working and lived with her parents. Then I asked who the person who had come with her was, and she told me that HE was her boyfriend. I was shocked; I thought he was a she! When I had overcome the shock, I asked him to come in and I showed them both a Carol Everett DVD, Then together, we discussed abortion’s side effects and how easy was to get an abortion here. He seemed to be very much into abortion, and she seemed to be having her doubts about it.
As I couldn’t say anymore, I told them about the importance of a sonogram no matter what decision they were making and gave them an immediate appointment for one in Brooklyn. Before they left I also told them that in EMC we don’t perform abortions, but they agreed to go to Brooklyn anyway.

That very afternoon Miss B called me: they were keeping the baby! Her boyfriend had pushed to keep it and she agreed. She was very pleased and happy. She just wanted to thank me!

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