Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lady Liberty

The shoe size of the Statue of Liberty, based on the standard formula for sizing a foot is 879. I found this to be a pretty interesting but pointless fact. In 2008, according to the New York State Department of Health, there were 82,475 women killed by induced abortions in New York City in 2008. I found this to be an appalling and significantly serious fact.

   One thing the directors of EMC point out to us is that it is important to help the clients first. If  we can make the client see that we are concerned for her health and safety first then we can make her understand that this is truly about HER and the baby, not just the baby. Abortion has so many life threatening side effects as well as emotional repercussions that the clients may endure their whole lives. It's numbers such as these that make this even more evident. Abortion isn't just a "quick fix". It isn't something to be taken lightly. The fact is that women are risking their own lives because they feel as if abortion is their only option.

    Who doesn't like to know interesting facts about the area in which they live? But let us not turn a blind eye to the most important facts that are right in front of us and happening everyday in our own communities. It's time to take a stand, for "LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".


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