Sunday, May 1, 2011

Called from sleep...

Yesterday was my first day at Dr. Emily's abortion clinic in the South Bronx in over three weeks. I was long overdue for side-walk counseling. There is something about being a vessel for God's Mercy at the last possible moment of decision... when the women are walking into the clinic!

I was joined this day be several "prayer warriors" and fellow counselors. It was such a blessing!

One of the counselors that came arrived told me that she was new to the movement. I was so excited to see her. She had the passion and zeal of a fresh soul looking at the clinic not with eyes of monotony or commonality but with compassion, mercy and distaste. It was beautiful to see her! She told me that she was awakened from sleep and knew that she needed to be here at the clinic.
"I'm not sure why I am here. What can I do anyway?"
Just then we learned what she could do.

As we were walking from the back of the clinic around to the front we were stopped. A woman with three kids spoke to my new friend in Spanish and told her that the girl that had just walked by was looking for the clinic.

Being fleet of foot is one of the most important things sometimes. But yesterday, being able to speak Spanish was critical. My new friend got this young woman's attention and walked with her and spoke with her... distracting her from the clinic. Though this girl didn't want to talk that much, at least she didn't walk into the clinic!

My friend now knows why she was awakened from sleep. She was supposed to be there at that exact moment to speak to this girl. Regardless of the outcome... she obeyed God's providence!

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