Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Walk

What most people don't ever see about the abortion issue, I have seen on a regular basis. Anyone could see it if they would only look. It's hard to see, but it happens in plain sight.

I'm talking about the walk. She walks in the clinic as one woman, and comes out as another. The truth is that she's sad, scared, lonely, and heartbroken. She has decided to abort her child. Though she hasn't done it yet, and there is still hope in that. The aftermath of abortion is completely different.

Some are emotionally numb, trying desperately to put it out of their mind. But you can't just evict something from your consciousness. Instead it's hidden away, in a box, on a shelf in the back of the mind; ready to return when you least expect it. I have seen women with dead eyes, sad eyes, regret filled eyes leaving the abortion clinic. Crying, crying; weeping on my shoulder. Unable to believe what they have chosen, wishing they could turn the clock back just a few hours.

They walk differently, you know. Some times a slight limp, yet others barely able to stand, barely able to walk. Leaning on the arm of their boyfriend. Stopping every few minuets to take a breath. Tears streaming down their now pale cheeks.

This my friends is what abortion does to women. I have seen these things before and I witnessed them all again today as I sidewalk counseled. This is part of why we work. To prevent this from happening, and if we can't prevent it, we offer help for healing in the aftermath.

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