Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Justice Foundation and Center Against Forced Abortions

Heartbeat International, at its 40th anniversary celebration as a Pro-Life leadership development and support supply line, invited The Justice Foundation's Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA) to clarify a teenage mother's new legal rights to protect herself from forced or coerced abortions under Roe v. Wade. Where does this pressure to abort come from and what forms can it take? is a question CAFA, a non-profit public-interest, litigation firm, poses. "Many teenage [mothers] are being coerced into abortions by their parents (The Justice Foundation, 2005-2011, emphasis CAFA's)." The forms, this coercion can take, includes, but are not limited a parent's refusal to provide the teenage mother financial support and housing. "Even under Roe v. Wade, the decision to keep the child is supposedly the woman's alone," relates CAFA on its website, ""so these young women's rights are being violated when they are coerced into abortion" (emphasis CAFA). A well-meaning parent may attempt to force or coerce their minor daughter to have an abortion. The parent, who attempts to do so, should be aware that such actions could subject the parent to a criminal charge of fetal homicide, prosecution for child abuse, and possibly, for other claims, such as battery, negligence, and false imprisonment. A parent has a legal duty to provide for the minor daughter. A parent does not have to provide support for the minor daughter's child. The teenage woman has recourse, however, to financial support from the child's father and financial support from the state and other organizations. The teenage mother's decision to abort must be "free, independent, voluntary, and non-coerced (The Justice Foundation, 2005-2011)". CAFA has prepared a legal document, called The Parent Letter, which details the parent's legal duty towards the minor and which clarifies the teenage mother's legal rights under Roe v. Wade. The teenage mother can serve this letter to her parents at her discretion and can seek legal aid, at no cost from CAFA, if she is being forced or coerced to abort. A copy of this letter can be found on The Justice Foundation's website, If you are a teenage mother and feel someone is exerting undue pressure on you to abort, you are not alone. There is hope. There is the Center Against Forced Abortions.There is EMC.

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