Monday, May 30, 2011

With God's Help

Being pro-life takes on a whole new meaning here. It’s one thing to go to the March for Life or vote for pro-life Presidents and another to actually be face to face with these women and their life changing decisions. Most are not simply dismissing their child as an inconvenience; most are in such incredibly difficult and confusing life situations that I can only be amazed at the courage it takes for them to make the decision to keep their child. Often we are the only ones on their side. Recently I was in the Bronx and one client said that if she only felt like she had one person supporting her, she could consider continuing her pregnancy. She had parents who were both christian pastors...which is better than most but she still felt sure they would reject a pregnancy out of wedlock.

We can't solve all the problems these young women bring to us, in fact we are often only able to offer them one thing: the value of choosing life. Does that mean their lives will be perfectly put back together because they have chosen to have their child? No. In fact, we and they realize that having a child will change many things for them and probably make it harder to move forward with their plans and dreams. But what it will give them is God's help, because he offers them a gift and they chose to accept it, even with all the challenges. When we cooperate with God, he works things out for us in a way we could never imagine or plan for. And that is what we reveal to the ladies who come to our door. We aren't promising a quick fix or anything like that, we are promising that by choosing life for their child they are choosing God and that he is always faithful.

I have been hearing all sorts of miracle stories about this choice of life and am excited to be involved in these beautiful histories myself however God desires.

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