Sunday, May 1, 2011

It's Not Her Choice, It's Theirs

I woke up from a nap today with a text that read "i am getting an abortion".

It was a great way to wake up. When I counseled her last week, she told me over and over that she did NOT want to get the abortion. I texted her back "No. No you don't have to. Please. Can you call me right now?"

She didn't call right then. We texted back and forth for the next hour. I texted her things like, "Don't listen to them. You told me a day ago you didn't want to do it. What's different about today?" Also, "You are a strong independent woman. You make your decisions apart from them. We will help you . You don't have to do this. You don't".

She kept fighting it. But I figured, if she wasn't really still struggling with the decision, she never would have texted me to begin with. She would have just done it.

She's in the most unreal place. She has EVERYONE she cares most about in her life, forcing her-pressuring her to get the abortion. They are telling her that she is going to ruin her life if she keeps her baby or makes an adoption plan. Prom is coming up, and she's not going to want to be pregnant for that. Not only are they not listening to her when she has repeatedly told them she doesn't want to get the abortion, but they FORCE her to do what they want her to do. It's no longer her choice, it's theirs.

A choice ? It doesn't sound like she has a choice to me. A lot of people talk about how "pro choice" they are. They have no idea.

What they don't understand is that when you work with women like this, it's not about choice. It's about survival. Survival emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually for everyone. Choice has nothing to do with it. Even when you fight for her right to get an abortion, she still has this struggle, does she not ?

You have to ask yourself: what decision can I make that I can live with?

After working with countless post- abortive women, I have found abortion is NOT something women find they can live with. That is why I told and counseled my client to do what her heart was telling her already- which was to keep her baby. That and the fact that my Father in Heaven has commanded that we keep our offspring as well as not kill.

After about another hour of talking on the phone, she started to sound more hopeful on having the baby. I told her that she is a strong woman, and that she just needed to hold on a little longer. We are meeting at one of our centers tomorrow. She is going to call me in the morning as well. PLEASE PRAY. Thank you for reading.

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