Wednesday, October 29, 2014


For the moment, this is being a strange week, we are moving out of Queens’ office, so each day we have less and less things.  Yesterday they took out the signal that says we are EMC, since then, we’ve had a couple of days with not a lot of movement, but God always finds His ways.
Today a girl came in, her name is Miss M, she is 23 years old and has been married for nearly a year now, she is twelve weeks pregnant, but just found out two weeks ago. She didn’t know what to do, but leant more towards abortion. Her husband told her that it was on her, although he preferred being a dad. The main problem is that she is still in college (part time) and he is a parking assistant, so they don’t have a very good income rate. I talk with her for a while, put one of our informative videos and then I showed her the size of the baby she is actually carrying.

On some point I said the right thing and God could use me to reach her, because she said “I wished everything was different, but I will keep my baby”. Next week she is going to Brooklyn for a sonogram and I gave her the phone numbers of other great associations we work with which will be able to continue our job.

Somos familia, somos pro-vida, somos de EMC

Quiero hacer una entrada en español e inglés, haciendo honor a todas las hispanohablantes que recurren a nosotros. Quiero que sepais que EMC no tiene fronteras cuando quiere ayudar.

I was talking with a girl from Queens, she was pregnant and nobody could help her. Her boyfriend didn't have job and her family hadn't got money. Her decision was clear, abortion. I showed her a video about abortion, I talked with her and I showed her a plastic baby
like she had. Her decision didn't change. I did the last think I could, I told her that she had to do a sonogram. A picture from her baby was better than all things I did, suddently she changed her decision.

Soy de España, soy pro-vida y soy de la gran familia de EMC. Y aqui estamos del primero al último estaremos siempre para ayudaros.

They see money, we see LIFE

I begin to talk to a girl who wants to go to Planned Parenthood. I explained her that, if she needs help, we can offer it to her, whatever she needs, that we are there for her. When I explained her that Planned Parenthood only sees money in her but we see life, she smiled and touched her belly. I said to her; "you can go to our Brooklyn office and get a free sonogram, so that you can see your baby, we also offer you counseling and free prenatal care", also that we will help her in whatever she needs.

Just being kind and telling her the truth about what she wanted to do and that there are people who want to help her, made her change her mind and I am proud to say that we saved a Life today!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

A disappointment, a reality, a mission

             Two things concern me since I'm in New York. There are many abortion clinics and have very many customers. I was talking with a woman from Puerto Rico, he was spreading brochures against abortion in front of an abortist clinic. She told me that in this country young people don't know anything about abortion because schools, high schools and colleges are not interested in the truth be known.

             This is the truth, abortion is a brutal and unnatural method of killing human. Tearing a human, have three months or fourty years is a proper conduct of barbarians, but nowadays we hide it under our freedom choice. Now I know that I have an important mission, I feel that my friends an me are the last hope between the life and death of a lot of babies. I work for EMC and I am proud of that.


mocking J

In Queens handing out flyers to women outside of an abortion mill. There was some feedback including a few hispanic men who stood in the doorway mockingly while they're girlfriend's were inside. One proceded to look at me point at me then inside and then put his thumb to his throat and made a motion of slitting his throat. He then proceded to smile and laugh. I could not understand what they were saying simply because what they were saying was in spanish. However many flyers were handed out and some girls smiled and said muchas gracias to me, which simply means thank you very much. I pray that these newspapers that were handed out to some of these women prevented an abortion as well as raising some awareness. Please continue to pray for the end of abortion!!! As well as a softening of heart in these women and men and a conviction that will strike them so hard they cannot go through with an abortion. I also realize Jesus was mocked and persecuted in his acts and for righteousness sake and the bible says blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake. The title of this is mocking J simply as a symbol of mocking Jesus. He also said remember if the world hated you remember it has hated me first. I believe firmly these men were mocking me because they know what they were doing was wrong and they wanted to ignore it and make themselves feel better while assisting they're girlfriends in having an abortion.

A baby is not a problem, is a gift...a

           Last week I was talking with a girl in the Queens' office . After talking about her life I asked her why she was in our office and she said: "I have a problem, I am pregnant". This is the real situation, nowadays a lot of women think that having a baby is a problem, because: "it is expensive"," it was not on my plans", "I am not ready to become a mother".

            A person who I love was pregnant five years ago. A lot of people told her "have an abortion, that is not a person yet". Well, she told that she couldn't do it. Nine months later a beautiful baby called Valentina was born. Now that woman says that not only her daughter is not a problem, but she is the best thing in her life. I know that new things frighten us, but don't forget that the best discoverers in our history were not cowards.

Wouldn't you consider this a gift?


Most girls who come to us have laid their trust on lies, they believe that nothing is wrong with wanting an abortion and that abortion is just another birth control option, but it is not!!
The abortion rate in NYC is very high, and the guilt of this is shared. First part belongs to history and associations who get to possess millions of dollars thanks to legal murder. Second part of guilt belong to boys, girls and families who decide to believe in the lie they have been told. Nevertheless, the principal responsibility “lies” on laws and government who feed on the biggest lie to gain votes and get power to do whatever they want to.

With each girl I have been talking to for the past three weeks, I have noticed that a bond has to be built in order to break through their believes and plant the seed of doubt. The problem of this is that the bond is so new and so weak (at least at the beginning) that any discovery can break it, a misunderstanding, or a lie.

Saving lives doesn´t justify using wrong methods, that’s why we need prayers and your help, because sometimes is difficult to remember that the devil hides in the places where more good it’s been done.

praying for life

This Saturday we went to pray and try to counsel women in front of another abortion clinic. There we met other people who were doing the same thing and giving rosaries to each woman who walked in.

A lot of them did not want us to know that they wanted an abortion or had one in the past. Maybe they began to understand what they are really doing and they are ashamed. It is not easy to counsel a woman in that situation because they do not want to speak about it, because they don't really want to know what they are doing, they would feel bad.

As it is a 24h work after that we went to St Patrick's Cathedral to keep praying for all these woman and they're baby's and then we attended to the Holy Mass there.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


This is being for the moment a very challenging and varied week.
On my second day of work, I had a girl, K, she is 19 years old, she wanted an abortion, but couldn’t stop crying all through counseling. She left undecided, so I gave her an appointment for the next week. When she came back, she wanted to keep the baby, unfortunately I couldn’t speak to her because I was in another office, but a couple days ago she phoned me. She just wanted to say Thank you.
That very same day, I received another surprising call. Her name was N, she came to the office a bit less than a year ago, she then wanted an abortion, but ended up having the baby. He is 4 months old now. She needed some help, toy, clothes, milk… Unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of these things at the offices. Nevertheless, I was able to give her the Sisters of Life’s phone number. They are amazing nuns who help those in need with food and goods.

In spite of all these good news, through today’s post, I want to ask for prayers. Firstly, I need you to pray for S, this girl is 15 years old, she wants an abortion, after speaking to her she seemed to be thinking about adoption, but today she texted me to tell me that she had gone to a “real clinic” to have her abortion done, they told her that everything we have told her in EMC is a lie, and gave her a pill without a sonogram. The most serious thing about all of this is that in the sonogram she had at our office, it seemed that she had an ectopic pregnancy. So this is why, secondly I’m asking you to pray for me, to be strong, learn of my mistakes and be a good tool for God.

Attack the gates of hell

My mentor Gary Leber came up from Binghamton, New York. He has been such a great mentor to me these last few years. In fact if it wasn't for him i would'nt even know what abortion is. We are from a church originally known aas pierce creek church which later made the transition into "The Landmark Church" after having moved into downtown Binghamton. He has taught me so much. In fact Randall Terry came from our church and Gary worked with him for many years in Operation Rescue. It was tragic to hear of what had happened. However the cause and the fight for the rights of those who are unborn and would otherwise have no voice continues to press on!!! I have decided that until abortion ceases to exist from this nation or until I die I will not stop fighting against it. The cause must continue. Satan will stop at nothing to stop us. So we must meet him with Jesus by our side at the gates of hell. The abortion clinic. I'm convinced when they see us they see a little piece of Jesus. If we were not on the battlefield the devil would just march through with his plans. Obviously our plans are to thwart his! And God has been I know that 100's of abortion clinics have closed across America have shut down. Many worker's have quit. God's side is the winning side and his truth is marching on!!

Two Pregnant Sisters Looking For Abortion Decide To Keep!!!

I had two sisters show up saturday for an abortion..I had been counseling them both they wanted to stay together the whole time. Originally the older sister showed up just for the pill. I had talked with her about the father and her parents they're parents are very unsupportive. Anyways back to the one girl she was saying how she couldnt bring a baby into the world she wasnt gonna be able to help or support. I then told her this baby is already in the world just because it is in your belly doesnt mean its not here. ?Her younger sister then walked in and was like you know you cant raise the baby.  The older sister talked to her younger sister about our discussion i showed them the video. The younger sister said I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant too. So I gave her a pregnancy test it was positive!!! She said "I was actually going to get the pill if i was pregnant but now I  can't" I had her fill out the form they want to come to EMC for prenatal care and we set up appointments for sonograms they left the clinic laughing and excited!! Theyre faces were glowing. I thank God for the ways he is using me. It seems unreal and it is an honor. Please keep the sisters in your prayers.The two sisters are in the middle the younger is the one holding the pregnancy test!

field work

This week we had to do side walk counseling. That means that we had to be close to an abortion clinic, allways respecting the law, where we were handing out brochures and trying to talk to each women or couple not all of them were going to the abortion clinic, but even better if they were.

I spoke to two girls, one of them was in birth control, which was provided by this clinic, and the other one wanted to abort. After talking to the woman, who wanted the abortion, she wanted to have more brochures to give them to her daughters in orther to let them know what the abortion is, so that they can prevent a situation like hers. I hope I could change her mind but if not at least she could help her daughters saving some in the future.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My first victory

Hi everybody!
    My name is Agustín, I’m from Spain and I have been living here for a week. I love this city. New York has lot of good thing, it has whatever you want, shops, theatres, parks, etc… But in Spain we say “No es oro todo lo que reluce”, it does mean that although New York is a very nice place it has bad things too, so I’m here because I want to help this city in one of its worst problems, ABORTION. Now I’m working in EMC, and I’m proud of that.
    Yesterday I was with a woman, I will call her Miss X. She has two sons and she is pregnant again. She told me that she couldn’t have another baby because she had not enough money. When we finished our conversation her decision was clear, abortion. I was very sad, but after she saw the sonogram she changed her decision. Nothing is better for a mother that seeing and hearing her baby. Thank you very much Miss X.


“Only God knows that I cannot have a baby now”
When girls are conscious that they are pregnant, we ask them what do they plan to do with the baby, when they answer “I would like to have an abortion”, I like to ask why.
In the couple of weeks I’ve been working I have heard quite a collection of answers, from “I am not prepared” to the one which subtitles this post.
For some reason, there are a lot of girls who believe that God is smiling to them while choosing abortion, they don’t realize that God is the one sending them a baby.


Monday, October 20, 2014


A girl comes into the office, she wants to abort and seems like a good girl, innocent. Her Mother comes with her, she is rude, and she is staring at me angrily. I want to talk to the girl alone so I ask her opinion about that, she says Okay, and comes with me into the office but the mother does not want to wait in the waiting room and comes in.

The mother asks when is her daughter going to have the abortion, I explain her that we have to know first how long is she pregnant and I try to speak to the daughter, she does not allow  her daughter to speak. I go on and I try to show them the video. The mother refuses to allow her daughter to watch it. I explain them the different side effects of an abortion, and about the breast cancer what the mother says is, "My mother and I had both breast cancer so she is going to have it anyway..."

They stand up and walk away.

It is amazing how a mother does not care about her daughters health... That should be also the reason why she does not care about killing her granddaughter.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


When a girl comes into the office, one of the first things we do is fill a form with them. While filling that form we have the opportunity to create a bond through questions, looking for similarities between us, and making her know about them. On some point through the form/counseling, we ask if she belongs to any religion, is baptized and if she attends services. To my surprise, most girls DO BELIEVE IN GOD, in A God who has different names. For the girl who came yesterday, His name is Allah.

She came in with her husband and youngest son, who is 8 months. They are both Muslims, he wanted to keep the baby, she wanted an abortion. During counseling we spoke about her reasons for wanting an abortion (too many kids, she doesn’t want more) and somehow we ended up taking about God and how He loves each of us, even the unborned baby, and about Him not giving us any more than we can chew. After a long chat and the video we show about abortion procedures, she started to get cold feet. She is coming back today for a sonogram and to tell us what her decision is.
I am praying to God to welcome a new Muslim to the world. 

Saving lifes first experience in NYC

Hi there!
My Name is Miguel and I am a Prolife person! Surprised? You shouldn't be, even if you think it is no usual, it is! We are just not laud enough!

I am from Spain and I am in New York to save lives, helping the EMC. It is a great experience to come to such a big city like New York, there are a lot of things to do, not only sightseeing, but a lot of activities like shows, american football, baseball, basketball matches etc. It is also amazing how many people from different countries there are.

Regarding to my first days as EMC intern I have yo say that the first impressions are very good. There is a very good team, they help you to learn how to save lives and introduce you  to the abortion situation in the USA. As far as I know the most causes to want to kill the baby are, not having enough money to buy everything needed after the birth of the baby, problems during the pregnancy, external pressures etc.

I am very excited about this project and expecting to be able to save as much lives as possible.

Monday, October 13, 2014


My first week of work is over. Now I have had a glance to how abortions looks like from this side of the Atlantic and I’m going to tell you something, I don’t like it!!
When I got to New York, I was unaware that society has educated people to believe that kids suddenly arrive after 9 months pregnancy. During all that time, it is supposed to be no baby, no human, no soul, anyone who feels, exists, has dignity or is worth all or Christ blood. So, just to let you all know, for nine months of our existence, we all seem to have been a problem.
That is another educational issue. I was taught that when you decide something, there are consequences, some of them are good and other ones are not. But no matter what you are responsible for them.
From my one week experience (not a very long one) I have noticed there are different kinds of girls:
1, The “I will abort no matter what” kind. Those are tough. They have usually learned an excuse and they’ll stick to it as crazy.
2. The “undecided” ones. They have a “problem” (meaning the baby, of course) and they are not sure if they lean into thinking that there is a baby there or a problem.
3. The “I would love to keep but” kind. These just break my heart, I have only had a couple of them. They need a lot of help. Financial, housing, prenatal care, to find a job, anything! Thank God we can help them with that, though they need to realize about it.
And finally
4. The “I what to keep it no matter what” kind. These can make your day! You can see them smile all trough the sonogram, take their babies picture and hug you while saying goodbye till next couple weeks.
I have written them down in order of prayers needs (in my opinion at least).
Just to remind you and myself:


Friday, October 10, 2014

students for life!!!! and interns ;)

 Me and a couple girls from the students for life ministry. we had great talks with many strangers and students right outside washington park near NYU. We had great dialogue through what this lady to the left of me calls common grounds she uses rape. Which almost everyone agree's is wrong, to get into the subject of who is victimized by the rape? the woman? the baby? the man? well there are many different scenarios. however whenever a baby is aborted it is in fact a victim in the hands of the mother. regardless. the baby did not ask to be here. however it didnt ask to be aborted either. the most loving thing a mother could do is choose life for her baby. The safest place for the child is supposed to be in the womb. In fact this womans father was conceived in rape and she loves her grandmommy and her loves them dearly! 

Thursday, October 9, 2014


I arrived to New York on October 3rd, so I’m new in the City! I have been working three days now and I have to say this is Amazing!

For now I am just learning how to work at EMC. It is a gratifying job, though it’s also very exhausting.  Each day is new and different. New faces, new problems, new excuses to ask for abortion. Here, I am being able to see and know things which I have never seen, help people who I would never have imagined. Every day I get to laugh and cry with clients and thank God, since day one, at least one mom has decided to keep the baby each day I have been working.

Yesterday a mom came in wanting to keep the baby, she thought she was 4 weeks pregnant, but, when we did a sonogram, it turned out she was 13 weeks far, and expecting twins!! Lord has his own ways!

When day ends I make a prayer list with the names of the moms who have come in, starting from those who want an abortion no matter what, then the ones who are undecided and finally those who want to keep the baby. For now, my prayer list is 3,4,3, so help me pray for them!

TY guys!