Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 -The Year of Life

2010 can be the year of life. It can be the beginning of a change directed toward the protection of innocent lives. Girls and boyfriends, mothers and fathers, judges and politicians, leaders and authorities, all of us are invited this new year to find an opportunity to think about what all of us see, but so many refuse to recognize: that abortion is the murder of pre-born people.

Let's make life our goal this year. It depends on us to show the world what is being done, what will be regreted and shameful in an unknowable number of years. Our attitude must be active, we are in the middle of a fight for life, and no passive or quiet conduct will suffice. We need people going to the March for Life in Washington, D.C. on January 23rd; being the voice of life in class discussions and informal conversations; counseling anxious girls that think that their only option is abortion. Let's believe in life, let’s believe in 2010!

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