Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Society as so

I stood outside of the abortion clinic in the Bronx today, handing out informative literature about what to do if you are pregnant. It discusses the options that you have in this country. Adoption and keeping the baby are the 2 broad options it discusses. The Center that I represent helps women figure out the details in her specific situation regarding the keeping of her child.
As I was doing this today, 2 girls were about to walk into the clinic. I stopped them before they went in, to tell them the other options offered to them. Their response created a sadness over me. What caused me grief was the fact that they seemed more uninformed about keeping their child, than abortion. In other words, the society in which they live in today has taught them more about abortion and what it has to offer, than any other option including keeping the baby and adoption.
In this moment, I felt so needed in their lives. They were simply uninformed. They did not know the alternatives they had right at their finger tips. Obviously, they were aware of adoption and keeping their baby prior to today. But not the same as it being encouraged. They are encouraged to abort their child. They are encouraged to kill another human being. That is the society they live in.

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