Thursday, January 28, 2010

Motivated for Sidewalk Counseling

While talking last Saturday with a mother outside an abortuary called Dr. Emily's, a volunteer of the abortion mill got close to us and respecfully started to discuss with us why the mother should have an abortion if she wanted. At the end of the dialogue, the mother was reinforced in her decision by that volunteer and, sadly, she went into the abortion clinic. At that moment, I turned to the volunteer and made clear to her that she was responsible for the death of an innocent human being. I did not tell her something new, she just did not care. She believes in "freedom of choice" for women over the life of their children.
As I spoke with her, I realized that she works for free just because of her so-called feminist beliefs. In other words, she wakes up every Saturday willing to suffer the freezing weather (I am convinced that that sidewalk is even colder than any other place in NYC!) because she believes so strongly in her distorted view of "abortion rights". Her attitude brought home to me that we have to be even more strongly dedicated in our work. Her commitment provides us with a heavy dose of motivation: if she is enthusastically going every Saturday in sun or cold to fight for her support of abortion, how can we, even though sometimes tired or cold, hesitate to go there, not to just take a stand for our ideology, but to actually help save lives?

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