Sunday, August 16, 2009

Semper Fidelis

It is important to stay always faithful in this work because lives DO get saved. While working at Linda's on my last weekday of the summer with EMC I met a young lady who was 21 weeks pregnant. She had an appointment for a two day procedure at the abortion clinic on the sixth floor of 44 Court Street and stopped by our office on the 12th floor just one half hour prior.

She was crying as she explained that the father of the baby was getting back together with his wife and five children and did not want the young lady to have her baby. Linda then shared all of the complications that could occur and how it would do harm to her in the future through the guilt. Linda then discussed the services we provide as a crisis pregnancy center: that we could giver her a place to live, help her find a job, and support her during this stressful time of her life.

She thought for a second, but then began to panic and told us she had to go to her appointment. I asked her what her heart was saying. I told her to not listen to all the obstacles and what-ifs in her head and just to listen to what her heart was saying. Linda added that she knew the young lady didn't want to kill her baby and that NO mother wants to kill her baby.

The young lady then told us she wasn't going to do it but that she needed us to remember her. Linda and I were overjoyed by this and assured her we would keep in contact and help her every step of the way as much as possible. The young lady then left our office and went back home, still 21 weeks pregnant.

Linda and I then discussed the seriousness of abortion and what it does to the women. I remember hearing multiple counselors explain having to pick up the peices of post-abortive women. I then made the connection that when a woman tears the baby in her womb to peices in the act of abortion, she too would have to pick up the peices of her life: emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I believe that time heals all wounds, all battles take time to win, and that you must pray in order to win them. It is important to try to get this information to mothers BEFORE they have to pick up the peices of their life after an abortion.

This summer has been an amazing learning experience for me and the rest of the EMC interns and I thank all of you who supported us with donations. I also hope that you continue to support this organization throughout the year so that services are available to women who are in a crisis because of an unplanned pregnancy. We have to pick up the peices of this wounded culture. A society bruised and beaten by poor choices and lack of knowledge of the truth. EMC has brought the truth to many women and men of all ages. A crisis is an excellant time to evagelize and teach truth for as the old war saying goes, there are no athiests in foxholes.

This summer I have seen babies saved and babies aborted. I have seen people bear witness to the truth and people throw the truth to the wind. I have seen people discover the light and rejoice in it and I have also seen people deny the light and leave empty. This work is real and the stakes are high. I just want to thank God for his intercession in bringing reality to people in a time of emergency and I want to thank you, the donators, for helping this become possible.

May God's blessing be upon you and your loved ones during our pilgrimage in this life and in His mercy may He grant you a share in the Life to come.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This work is worth more than any amount of material wealth. Thank you for saving babies and moms!