Sunday, August 2, 2009


Although most of the work we do is with women who are still considering abortion, we still do very important outreach to those women who are post-abortive. It is absolutely necessary to reach out to these women, because it is only the pro-life movement that recognizes their pain and allows them to grieve. Part of this ministry happens outside Dr. Emily's, as Grace and Sean discussed in their post. Yet we also deal with some of the longer lasting repercussions in our clinics.

Even if there were not so many other reasons to be pro-life, the experiences of so many of these women would be reason enough. Just this past week, two girls shared with us the the story of a sister and a friend, both of whom attempted suicide after an abortion and were committed to psychiatric wards. In a culture where abortion has become an "easy solution," such cases are frighteningly common. Even women who have hardened their hearts against the pain, and come to our offices seeking yet another abortion, will often be unable to discuss their prior abortions without a great deal of emotional pain. Sometimes it is not until I begin listing the symptoms of post-abortion syndrome, such as depression or anxiety attacks, that they finally begin to realize just how many of their problems over the years stem from their abortions.

Healing from an abortion is obviously difficult and complicated. Yet one of the great joys in this work is offering these suffering women a hopeful future. When a post-abortive woman turns around in our clinics, the decision is especially powerful. Although the babies lost can never be brought back, there is great redemption in choosing to protect and love the baby they hold within their womb.

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