Tuesday, August 11, 2009

One outstanding father

When working for EMC pregnancy center you wake up every morning knowing that you are going to learn something new. But none of us could have known what we were going to learn a few days ago. We woke up like any other day and after having breakfast we headed to one of our Bronx centers. When we got to the subway we started talking about one of our latest saves. Then something amazing happened. A young man who was standing right next to us heard us talking about EMC and he told us his story. He told us how his girlfriend got pregnant two years ago and didn’t tell him. The reason she didn’t tell him is that the baby wasn’t his. That is the reason why she wanted and abortion. The day before she got the abortion he found out that she was pregnant and made her girlfriend realize that even if it wasn’t his baby, it was still a human being, and as such its life had to be protected. He went with her to one of the EMC centers and thanks to that she didn’t get the abortion. Now, after two years, they want to get married and live happily in the Bronx. When he finished telling his story we realize how much good its done thanks to EMC.

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