Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Looking for a sign


Today I was working out of our office in the South Bronx. A woman came in asking me for abortion pills before I could even shut the door behind her. So I led her to a room in the back and tried to get to know her a little bit. Someone this anxious to “solve the problem” can't be carrying an easy load.

Counting from the first day of her last period, we discovered that she is too far in her pregnancy to procure a chemical abortion. So I showed her a procedure video that would educate her on exactly how much trauma a woman's body is subjected to during a surgical abortion. She could hardly finish watching it. It was after this video that I found out she had already been to an abortion clinic for a consultation. 

She told me she had gotten scared and left without making a return appt. Walking out of the clinic's office, she prayed to God for a sign. A sign that she should not go through with the termination. Immediately, a young man approached her, showing her pictures of children in the womb, and offering material help. He even gave her his phone number, so desperate was he to protect her and her child. She told me she threw the number in the garbage later that day. Now, to me this looked like a pretty big sign, but this young woman just couldn't see it.

So we talked a little more. This time about God's Providence and how he was holding her heart at that very moment. It was in the midst of this conversation that her mother sent her a picture text message. It was an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Nothing more. She started to cry. So I cradled her in my arms and told her all I could about what it meant to love unconditionally. Then I told her that the young man who had tried to help her outside the clinic worked with the same organization as me. I told her that if this wasn't the sign she was looking for, then I didn't know what to do. 

We sat together for a long time discussing her situation. And I'll be honest, I definitely didn't have all the answers. But I am convinced of God's presence in her life, and I know that he will not give her more than she can handle. She will be blessed and this child will be a testament to the great glory of our God in Heaven!

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