Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pro Choice Groups At March For Life

I was able to go to the March for Life this year and it was fantastic !

As my colleagues and I were on our way to the podium where prolifers were speaking, we came across a certain group.

This group was a number of people who stood against everything we stand for.

This group had their own agenda, and not God's.

This group concluded that it's more important for a woman to have a "choice" in the matter, than for an innocent child to have his or her "choice".

These were pro abortion, pro choice, pro death kinds of people.

They may think they have a point, and according to our current president, they do. However, according to the Creator of life and this universe, it's irrelevant.

God sent his son Jesus, so that we could "have life, and have it more abundantly".

They had signs like "make abortion legal" and "my body , my choice". I really do wonder what God thinks about their signs. . . 

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