Friday, February 17, 2012

"11 Years Ago I Was Adopted, Not Aborted"

These 2 boys were at the March for Life in Washington DC.

They chose to stand about 20 feet away from the group of people who were pro choice.

They chose to stand and show their signs, of all places, right next to the people where it mattered most.

It made me so happy to see these 2 boys. Their signs read, "I'm glad I was adopted instead of murdered" and "Look at me 11 years ago I was adopted not aborted thank the Lord".

The pro aborts signs read, "Keep abortion legal" and "My choice, my body".

I asked if I could take a picture and they answered ofcourse.

And I asked them, "have they come up and said anything to you yet?"

They said, "No. Not yet anyways".

I said, "Exactly. Cause what can you say to that?"


A.Z. Foreman said...

I think they were avoiding saying anything aggressive to two young children. Generally harassing kids is frowned upon in most societies.

But there is plenty you could say to that. To take just one example: many women (including a sizable number in the US) live in societies which impose social penalties for getting pregnant out of wedlock. One could ask what would those kids say to a 15 year old rape-victim who desperately wants to gets her fetus aborted before she starts "showing" (that's "Showing" with a capital S writ large in scarlet.) Maybe she should tell her parents and get an adoption with their help and hope they don't kick her out. Maybe she should just learn to deal with the 9 months of staring by her classmates as she endures this thing not of her choosing. Or maybe she is too freaked out by the idea of bearing a child that looks like her and her rapist at the same time.

One could ask other things too. But I think I've made my point clear. Child-like posterboard logic is precisely what this issue doesn't need.

Unknown said...

That still doesn't give them anything to say to these 2 young boys !
You are still missing the point.

There are ways to approach an eleven year old to tell them what you think without "harrassing" them.

What can you tell me right now, that a pro choice person at that march could rightfully say to these 2 boys who were adopted not aborted > ?