Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Esto es una clínica de abortos, no os dejeis engañar...

No os dejeis engañar por el nombre, esto es una clínica de abortos, una de las más importantes en el Bronx, claro que para no variar no hablan claro, no dicen claramente que es, a lo que se dedican, de donde sacan dinero...

Y realmente da miedo como funcionan..tras varios días en la calle uno se entera de muchas cosas, es fácil identificar a las chicas que salen después de hacerse un aborto, suelen ir con pantalones de chandal o anchos y con un chupa-chups en la boca, esto lo hacen por la bajada de azúcar...

Las chicas que todavía no se han realizado el aborto salen acompañadas del guarda de seguridad, Roberto, que las escolta para que no podamos hablar con ellas y decirles la verdad de este lugar, verdad que aunque de miedo escucharla, es nuestro deber moral decirla, en este sitio mienten a las chicas diciéndoles que están embarazadas cuando no es así y de esa forma pueden cobrar un aborto que ni siquiera van a hacer, pero les hacen creer que están embarazadas, esto lo se, porque es una historia real que hemos encontrado en la calle, hay más casos escalofriantes, una chica embarazada de más de 10 semanas, allí le dieron un sonograma falso que decia que estaba de 6!!!cuando se hizo el sonograma con nosotros vio que su bebé estaba bien grande, nada que ver con lo que le habían dicho ahí dentro, eso es denunciable...y todo para que??para conseguir dinero a costa de estas chicas, aprovechándose de su situación y así lucir sus cochazos, todos marcas de lujo, los he visto con mis propios ojos, es una vergüenza!!!!

Así, que no os engañen, esto no es más que una asquerosa clínica de abortos, lo último que les importa es la salud de la mujer, por lo único que trabajan es por dinero, dinero manchado con la sangre de niños inocentes!!

Hardened Hearts

     We are right now into the first days of what we call the "40 Days For Life" campaign.

 It is a Pro-Life campaign, in which we gather together outside of abortion facilities and pray.

Not only is our prayer for and end to abortion, it's also for the doctors who perform abortions, for the men and women who work in these abortion mills, and for the women who succumb to the idea that abortion is not a big deal and/or must be done.

Their hearts have become hardened to what abortion really is and the severity of the short term and long term repercussions.

Will you please join us in these prayers?

Psalms 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Queens opina sobre el aborto

Tras varios días de estar en la calle repartiendo flyers y preguntando a la gente del condado de Queen a ver cual es su opinión sobre el aborto, sacamos estas conclusiones, una gran parte prefiere no opinar, se sienten molestos al recibir esa pregunta, es muy íntima y prefieren no decir lo que piensan, otra cantidad considerable de personas contestan de una forma similar, bueno es algo feo, en realidad me opongo pero claro hay casos, como la violación...ahí..., porque como se puede vivir con un hijo que te va a recordar siempre lo que te pasó...(esta es una opinión bastante generalizada en las calles de Queens) y por último el resto de la gente, he de decir que no la mayoría, nos dice que está feo.

Sin embargo si comparamos los números que tenemos en la oficina, lugar al que la mayoría de las chicas que llegan traen en su cabeza es el aborto, vemos claramente que algo no cuadra, es triste pero la sociedad no se atreve a dar la cara, si preguntas cara a cara nadie reconoce que está a favor nadie!!pero al final del día los números no mienten y asusta la de gente que realmente está a favor, que están dispuestas a pasar por un aborto, dos, tres....

Friday, February 24, 2012

Secret Shoppers

I used to work at a deli/bakery back home called Wheat Montana. We sold sandwiches, soup, pastries, etc, as well as loaves of Wheat Montana brand bread.

Frequently at work, the topic of "Secret," or "Mystery," Shopppers would come up. Secret Shoppers are people who are paid by a company to go into company stores to test and rate their products and services, such as ordering food from restaurants, buying shoes from shoe stores, etc. The Secret Shopper then fills out a form rating various details about his or her experience, turns it in to the company, and gets paid. (This is for real- I once applied to do it so I know.)

Every time somebody got wind that a Secret Shopper might be coming in the next few days, all the employees would be on their best behavior. We wanted good ratings & maybe even a special mention by name from the Secret Shoppers. If we got really bad ratings, we'd be in trouble and our jobs could be on the line.

If you're reading this blog, you've probably heard of Lila Rose. She's a young woman who started the organization Live Action, a group which does undercover investigations of Planned Parenthood to expose the abuse and lies inside its facilities. Through secret cameras hidden in the clothes of undercover agents, Lila's organization has discovered widespread coverups of statutory rape and child sex rings, racism, outright lies during counseling sessions, and on and on.

Of course, Planned Parenthood goes ballistic every time Lila puts out shocking new videos. They make excuses, say that she violated the clinics' privacy, deny the evidence, etc. They even started putting up posters with her picture on them inside every facility so that all the employees would know who to look for!

To me, Lila Rose and her co-investigators are like Secret Shoppers. All they're doing is testing out a product and pushing a few buttons to see how the employees will react, no different than the Secret Shoppers who came into my deli. The difference is, restaurants and shoe stores actually HIRE Secret Shoppers so that they can maintain the quality of their services and weed out all the bad employees. Planned Parenthood, on the other hand, wants nothing to do with the Secret Shoppers because it has a LOT to hide! PP is corrupt to the core and that's how it stays in business- obtaining secret abortions for minors, protecting abusers, and preying on minorities.

If Planned Parenthood actually cared about women, it would be elated every time Live Action comes out with a new video! Cecile Richards (CEO) would apologize publicly for her employees' behavior and thank Lila for discovering all the shocking things its employees are doing, so that she can fire them and get rid of corruption in her organization. Maybe she'd even try to hire Lila. But instead, Planned Parenthood plays the victim of....the truth?

Video footage doesn't lie, and Planned Parenthood is scared. The United States is beginning to learn what PP is really all about, and it's obviously not about helping women. Then again, what do you expect from an organization that makes money killing babies?

***Note: If you haven't watched Live Action's videos yet, check them out, along with the fantastic Live Action blog! This site is an excellent resource for all pro-lifers:

"There's Only Grace"

"There is no guilt here
There is no shame
No pointing fingers
There is no blame
What happened yesterday
Has disappeared
The dirt has washed away
And now it's clear

There's only grace
There's only love
There's only mercy
And believe me it's enough
Your sins are gone
Without a trace
There's nothing left now
There's only grace

You're starting over now
Under the sun
You're stepping forward now
A new life has begun
Your new life has begun"

 Those are lyrics to a great song by Matthew West.  After finding yourself at the lowest of the low (we've all been there)  "There's only grace" . 

 Two definitions of the  word "grace" are:

          a : unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification

b : a virtue coming from God

How wonderful that at a time in our lives when we find ourselves in a seemingly hopeless situation (a crisis pregnancy) we are never too far from God's grace. How amazing it is that He allows us to go through trials to experience this unmerited grace, and to come through stronger on the other side of our struggle. We have all have opportunities in our lives to start over, the question is do we take them or continue along the path of destruction? These women we counsel have another chance to not only begin their "new" life, but also the opportunity to give their babies a chance at life as well. This is always our prayer. Please let it become yours.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Planned Parenthood Gives 13yrd Old Abortion Without Parents' Consent

I had a 16 year old client come in for a consultation with her mother.

The first 5 minutes went like this:
Me: (To the client)So have you taken a pregnancy test yet?
Mother: She took the test and it's positive yes.
Me: Ok. (To the client)So now we need to go over the options that you have.
Mother: O no. We know we want to get an abortion.
Client: Maybe.
Me: Ok. Mom, I want to ask you if you would, to join us in our waiting area. I just want to talk a few moments alone with her if that's ok.
Mother: No problem. Which way to the waiting room?

Once I was able to speak directly with my client, with no interruptions, I found out a big piece of information. My 16 year old client informed me that she had already done a previous abortion when she was 13, but never told her mother. I asked her, "What happened after your abortion that made you so traumatized , you don't want to experience it again?" Her drawn out response, with the biggest tears I have ever seen running down her cheeks was, " I   got  depressed. "

She needed to say no more. I got it. Then I asked her where she got this abortion at such a young age without her parents' consent. She told me Planned Parenthood.

My colleague Greg Webb and I worked together on this case. We think she left there determined to not get the abortion. Please continue to pray for this case.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"If It's Not A Baby....Then You're Not Pregnant."

So many times people (not just pro-abortionists) think a baby growing inside of its mother's womb is just a "blob".

 This picture shows pre-natal development from 7-10 weeks after conception. JUST 7 WEEKS!

It is obvious to anyone that this is a baby, not a "blob".

Too many of these so called "blobs" are being sucked out of the place that is supposed to be safe for them.

Today is the first day of the 40 Days For Life campaign. We will see an end to abortion. And it starts with me and you. Get involved!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


WARNING: Having an abortion increases the risk of having an ectopic pregnancy later.  Having an abortion can cause infertility.  Giving birth to one's first child before the age of 35 decreases a woman's risk of getting breast cancer.  Having many children decreases a woman's risk of getting breast cancer.  Not having any children before the age of 55 increases a woman's risk of getting breast cancer.  Using oral contraceptives increases a woman's risk of getting breast cancer while she is using the oral contraceptives, and for up to 10 years after she has stopped using oral contraceptives.                                                 These are the sorts of warnings that should be, but to the best of my knowledge, aren't displayed in all places that perform abortions or distribute contraceptives.
The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene requires that establishments that serve alcoholic beverages display the health warning pictured.  Signs that remind people about health risks are good.

Strength in numbers

Several weeks ago, I joined with dozens of pro-life Catholics for a procession after a Mass to Planned Parenthood in Manhattan, where they prayed the Rosary for at least an hour. When we arrived, we stood in a long line directly across the street from the abortuary. Two escorts (fondly referred to as "deathscorts" by prolifers) stood in front of PP, waiting to escort customers inside or open the door for them. Deathscorts are commonly volunteers from the hardcore pro-choice community, and some are paid full-time.

At first, one of the deathscorts pointed and counted with her fingers how many of us there were- I think around 40- and acted sarcastically impressed with our numbers. Although she wore a confident smug look on her face, I couldn't help but think how uncomfortable she must be inside. Two versus forty! They were quite outnumbered.

Later on, another worker began to take pictures of us, and then video, with her camera. This is a very common intimidation tactic used by clinic workers and pro-choice protesters all over the country. At this point I had to contain my laughter because some of the pro-lifers were also taking a bunch of pictures and videos of our group! None of use minded the cameras, so the deathscort's attempt to bug us was futile.

Seeing the deathscorts so outnumbered reminded me just how pathetic they are. They are probably seeking justification for past choices by doing this job, but all that abortion can offer is more death, lies, and misery. They are proud of what they do, but I just felt extremely sorry for them.

strength in numbers.
Beyond the fact that the deathscorts had to listen to repetitive prayers for an hour, I think something else must have bothered them: our numbers. They were outnumbered twenty to one. It's practically part of their job description to act intimidating, but in this situation it was useless. Surely they must have been just a little scared, deep down inside; If I was in their shoes, I would have been terrified! And as for me, I have never felt more confident in front of an abortion clinic than when I was part of a wall of people praying.

The phrase "strength in numbers" is SO true. With numbers, especially outside of abortion clinics, we are safer, more powerful, more confident, and ultimately we can have more of an impact. The area surrounding an abortion clinic is a spiritual battleground. God's army is always bigger than the Devil's- may our numbers reflect that!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Vamos a llamar a las cosas por su nombre

El Sábado recibimos una llamada de una mujer, que ya tiene 5 hijos, 2 de su marido y 3 suyos y me decía que éstaba embarazada otra vez y que quería que se lo raspáramos...Le dimos cita para hoy lunes a la 13:00, debía estar ansiosa porque a las 12:00 estaba en la oficina como un clavo, repitiendo que por favor quería que se lo rasparamos...

Hemos entrado a una de nuestras salas y hemos comenzado a hablar, por cierto, esta señora tiene solo 21 años, así que mejor digamos chica, señora suena muy fuerte, es lo que pensé cuando me dijo que tenía 5 imagine alguien más mayor...

Total que ha empezado a contarme su historia, que si ya tiene 5 hijos, que si la pequeña solo tiene 2 años, que si el anterior tiene problemas físicos, que si ella no puede con todo...
En definitiva que quería que se lo raspáramos...

Y yo le he dicho, pero que te raspemos el que??que tienes un quiste??vamos a llamar a cada cosa por su nombre, lo que tienes dentro es un bebé y no un bebé cualquiera no, nada más y nada menos que el tuyo y no se dice raspar, si no que, aunque suene duro, lo que quieres es abortar con todo lo que esa palabra significa, acabar con la vida de tu hijo, que por cierto desde la 3ª semana ya le late el corazón, a la 5ª te reconoce la voz y a la 7ª hasta se chupa el dedo. Además de todo esto por si te parece poco tienes una cantidad de riesgos que debes conocer para saber si realmente esto es lo que quieres hacer, pero no te olvides de que ese es tu bebé...

Después de mucho hablar, llorar, hablar con su marido, estar confusa...Se ha hecho un sonograma (ecografía), en un principio según sus cálculos ella estaba sólo de 4 semanas, pero el sonograma nos ha revelado que estaba de 7 semanas, ha tenido la suerte de escuchar el latido del corazón del pequeño y ahí ya no han hecho falta más palabras, ante eso lo ha tenido claro, ha dicho yo quiero este bebé, yo no le puedo hacer esto, no quiero.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Anesthesia, or Anastasia?

Unlike the other posts on this blog, which are factual and non-fiction, here's something that just flowed out of my fingers as I tried to put myself in the shoes of some of the women I've heard, seen, listened to, or spoken with momentarily in between discussions with self-centered boyfriends.  Far too much of this is actually true.  It is primarily because many different accounts have been woven together, that this is fictional.

Left, right.
Left, right.
Left, right.
Open the door.
Don't think, "just" get an abortion.
Those were the words he used.
The exact words.
Left, right.
Left, right.
Left, right.
"Why don't you just get an abortion?"
So everyone could hear.
Left, right.
Left, right.
Left, right.
One pair of shoes, two pair of feet.
Two people go in, one comes out.
Left, right.
Left, right.
Left, right.
Well, one person comes out alive.
And that's if everything goes "as planned."
Left, right.
Left, right.
Left, right.
Pay the money.
So much money.
Still cheaper than a child.
A priceless child.
Left, right.
Left, right.
Left, right.
Sign the papers.
From the left, to the right.
What did the paper say, anyways?
Left, right.
Left, right.
Left, right.
Lay on the table.
Feet in the stirrups.
What a beautiful name for a baby girl.
My baby girl.
Escape this cursed place.
Escape and banish the thought of returning from my memory.
"I don't want it!  I don't want the abortion!"
Those weren't just thoughts.
They were words.
I know you heard me.
Why are you ignoring me?
Why are you looking at your watch?
Oh no...
What happened?
Where's my baby?
Oh no, they didn't...
I told them not to...
And I finally found a name for my little girl...
Well, I bet she was a girl...

How YOU can end abortion in your town.

40 Days for Life begins this week.

If you have never participated in 40 Days for Life before, now is the time to try it. 40 DFL is an international campaign of prayer and peaceful vigil in front of abortion clinics across the country (and world) during the 40 days of Lent. It consists of individuals volunteering their time, committing to pray outside the abortion clinic for a specific block of time each week (such as every Wednesday from noon-2). At many of the 258 abortion clinics across the world where 40 DFL will be taking place this season, there will be a presence of Christians praying 24/7.

“ front of an abortion clinic? You mean... an actual clinic where they do the actual abortions?? That sounds a little extreme. That's not for me. I'm fine praying at home, thank you very much.”

Is that what you're thinking? If it is, you're not alone. There are thousands of pro-life people who feel exactly the same as you, which is why they are not standing in front of abortion clinics, which is why the abortion clinics in their towns are not closing.

Let me ask you something. If the clinic down the street was killing two-year-olds instead of two-month-olds, would you be praying inside your house? If the clinic down the street was filled with gas chambers and was gassing Jews on a daily basis, would you be praying inside your house? Or would you be praying at the site of the atrocity?

But that's different. Killing two-year-olds? Gassing Jews? That's crazy.”

You know what else is crazy? Killing preborn babies, who are the most innocent and defenseless of us all. Abortion is genocide on such a massive scale that we absolutely cannot afford to think or pray about it from the comfort of our own homes. We need to be present at the scene of the crime.

In the past five years since the inception of 40 Days for Life, 61 abortion clinic workers have quite their jobs! Although most of us have only heard of Abby Johnson, the now-famous former Planned Parenthood clinic director who quite her job a couple of years ago and became a public figure after speaking openly about her conversion. That is in addition to over 5,000 abortion-bound women changing their minds and 21 abortion clinics closing down forever. All that, simply from the power of prayer... in front of abortion clinics.

Don't have time? You have time for your favorite TV show and the evening news.

Don't like being a protester? No problem, because 40 Days for Life isn't a protest!

Don't want to talk to anybody going inside the clinic? You don't have to.

Don't want to be seen by your friends? Praying for an end to the greatest human rights abuse of our time is something to be proud of, not ashamed of.

Don't want to go outside your comfort zone? Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Do one thing every day that scares you." It's good for you, and God will give you courage.

Get over the excuses and get outside, even just to try it once. Standing outside an abortion clinic is a powerful experience because the spiritual warfare is RIGHT THERE. You can feel it. And you'll be want to go back again and again.

I'm probably going to be outside praying close to 40 hours a week for the next 40 days. How many hours can you commit to?

***NOTE: for more information about 40 Days for Life campaigns and to find a location near you, check out, and for info about the NYC campaign locations go to

Saturday, February 18, 2012

que es más joven para tener un hijo o para sufrir las consecuencias de un aborto???

Esta mañana en Queens nos hemos encontrado con una niña de 14 años y con su padre, el estaba muy preocupado por lo que a su pobre niña le podía pasar, decía que es muy joven para tener un hijo y que abortar era lo mejor para ella...Yo le he preguntado a ver si eso lo ha decidido el o su hija que es la que pone su vida y su alma en juego, la niña no articulaba palabra, asentía con lo que su padre decía.

Hemos decidido que sería bueno que los dos vieran juntos todos los riesgos que supone pasar por un aborto y lo que realmente significa, que no es otra cosa que acabar con la vida de su hij@ y niet@, como era de esperar ellos no sabían nada de lo que estaban viendo en los videos, una vez más no se habían informado, esto no deja de sorprender cada vez, la niña al ver todo lo que le hemos enseñado era incapaz de hablar, su padre decía ahora que sabemos esto, tenemos que pensar, yo le he dicho que la decisión es de ella que el no le puede presionar, que los problemas que tenga el con su mujer, como nos ha contado, no son motivos suficientes para hacerle creer a su hija que eso es bueno para ella y dándole mi opinión personal le he dicho que si, ella es joven para ser madre, claro que si, eso es obvio, pero más es obvio todavía, que es muy muy joven para hacerse eso y sufrirlo toda la vida, el aborto es algo que te marca el alma para siempre, eso no se olvida jamás!

Friday, February 17, 2012

HAPPY ENDING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today in queens I got a wonderful surprise when the first girl I ever consul came in to tell me how great full she is for everything we did for her, for listening to her and letting her know that she had a baby in her belly and not a mass of tissue, but I guess the best part was that she asked me if I can be there for her for when she give birth which is in about 5 weeks from now and is having a baby boy who’s name is Noah. She introduced me to her boyfriend who is also very thankful for letting him be a father, it was such a wonderful feeling knowing that by the power of god and the Holy Spirit used me to say the words she need to hear. and soon we will meet Noah 

"11 Years Ago I Was Adopted, Not Aborted"

These 2 boys were at the March for Life in Washington DC.

They chose to stand about 20 feet away from the group of people who were pro choice.

They chose to stand and show their signs, of all places, right next to the people where it mattered most.

It made me so happy to see these 2 boys. Their signs read, "I'm glad I was adopted instead of murdered" and "Look at me 11 years ago I was adopted not aborted thank the Lord".

The pro aborts signs read, "Keep abortion legal" and "My choice, my body".

I asked if I could take a picture and they answered ofcourse.

And I asked them, "have they come up and said anything to you yet?"

They said, "No. Not yet anyways".

I said, "Exactly. Cause what can you say to that?"

A Man's broken heart!

    Yesterday in our Queens center a couple came in who were convinced that they wanted an abortion because they just couldn't have this baby. As it is always, we tend to the women while the men stay in the waiting room, both myself and another intern took her into one of our rooms and spoke to her, had her open up and were just there listening to her with our hearts. After a few minutes, our Bronx directory asked me to talk to the husband who was anxiously waiting to see his point of view.
     I asked him to step into one of our available rooms, reluctantly he agreed. This man doubled my aged, so not knowing how I could reach to him I asked God to guide me and give me all the right words. After a few minutes of speaking to him, he looked me right in the eyes and told me "you are telling me everything I don't want to hear because everything your saying is right". I could tell he was hurting inside, his eyes were full of hurt because he knew what they wanted to do was wrong. I asked him why he felt that abortion was their only option, he said because we have to, he kept on repeating that over and over; we both knew he was trying not to convince me but himself.
     After a long conversation he said, "Luis, I'm really hurting inside, that's my baby and I know I'm killing him" that broke my heart into small pieces seeing his eyes with so much pain. He already had 9 kids and 3 with his current wife. He was completely heart broken because he knew that none of those 9 other kids would replace that one that they were planning on not having.
      At one point he looked me in the eyes and said, "Do you want to know what hurts me the most" I said, please tell me; He said, my mom was about to have an abortion with me but she decided not to at the last minute and now she looks at me and says, I am grateful that I didn't because you turned out to be amazing. That's when he couldn't hold it anymore and I could feel his heart breaking. I looked at him and I could feel how much he hurt.
    Once his wife came out and ready to leave, he looked at me one last time and said; Thank you, there is a lot we have to think about but I know you are right where God needs you to be. I just looked at him and smile. As they headed to the door, I started to think, How is it possible that i'm half his age and yet I was still able to give him advice, then I remember that I didn't do anything that it was all God. That with God, all things are possible and without him nothing is!!!!!!!

What Did You Say?

    I saw this sign while walking down the streets of  Manhattan. How many of us are guilty of being bad listeners? Do you ever find yourself engaging in conversation with someone, only to realize youre not "engaging" at all? You just made your whole grocery list, decided what to have for dinner, planned what you were going to say to your mother when you talk later, and in the meantime saying, "uh huh, yeah, I know, sure."? I do this way more often than I should.

    When I saw this sign I thought to myself, "an act of love?", but how true this statement really is. Whether it's just listening to someone talk about their day or the movie they saw last night. In the case of EMC couneling it's listening to the clients tell us about their struggles and getting them to open up to us. These are all acts of love. I'm not saying it will be easy, but try to drown out the world next time someone's confiding in you, show them you care.

Post-Abortion Syndrome... take the abortion doc's word for it

The abortion rights movement routinely denies that abortion has any negative or dangerous physical and psychological effects. We as pro-lifers know that this is not true, that abortion leaves countless physical and emotional scars. Thousands are speaking out about the effects that abortion had on them, and we have no idea how many who have been hurt are NOT speaking out.

Broadly categorized, the mental and psychological problems caused by abortion are known as Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS) or Post-Abortion Syndrome (PAS). PAS, although not recognized by the American Psychological Association (because that would not be politically correct), is a very real form of trauma which has many symptoms in common with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is like a specific form of PTSD. Some symptoms are: extreme depression, feelings of guilt and anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, nightmares, flashbacks, phobias of things such as the sound of a vacuum cleaner or medical facilities, difficulty with relationships, eating disorders, feelings of numbness, desire to have another baby to replace the aborted child, over-protectiveness or overindulgence of future children to make up for the abortion, inability to function around babies or pregnant women, self-injury, suicidal thoughts, etc.

The pro-choice movement goes to great lengths to discount PAS. The websites of organizations such as the Guttmacher Institute (the research arm of Planned Parenthood), Feminists for Choice, National Abortion Federation, National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), etc. all do their part to debunk the anti-choice myth of PAS. I suppose they think pro-lifers enjoy making this stuff up for fun?

I was recently privileged to take a look at an abortion procedure consent form that somebody retrieved from a local abortion clinic. The following is a selection from it (emphasis mine):

“My physician has fully explained the risks, and drawbacks involved as well as the possibility of complications from the procedure, including but not limited to possible; perforations of the uterus, incomplete termination of the pregnancy, removal of the uterus and/or ovaries, difficulty in future pregnancies, post abortion syndrome, cervical laceration, adverse reactions to medicines or anesthesia, absence of menstruation, pain and cramps, excessive bleeding, psychological problems and infection, and the benefits of the procedure. We have also discussed alternatives including no treatment; to the procedure along wit those risks and benefits. I am aware that no guarantee or assurance as to the results of the procedure have been made and I have been told that no guarantee of results could be made. By signing this consent, I agree that all the foregoing has taken place to my satisfaction.”

I'd say they have their bases covered, wouldn't you? The list isn't quite comprehensive, but it's pretty good. They even go beyond “post abortion syndrome” to also list “psychological problems” (though I'm not sure why the latter is grouped with infection).

There you have it, folks... even abortion clinics know that PAS exists. I wonder if NARAL would take their word over ours.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Divorce Industry

This was one of the ads that first disgusted me when I came to NYC.  Some attorney is actually encouraging divorce, advertising that it's only $399, and something that God hates can be done easily without a spouse's signature.  Oh, and they're especially interested in helping Spanish speakers get a divorce.  What has marriage come to mean?
As if divorce wasn't bad enough, let's think about this from the perspective of the wife, who, either by her choice or her husband's, now finds herself divorced. If she's expecting, how does being single affect her decision to allow her child, a living human person, to get a birth certificate? If a couple is going through some struggles in their marriage, then discovers that they are expecting a child, and he sees this sign, what might it encourage him to consider? What sort of sign should encourage him to stay the course, and fulfill his commitment to his wife? What sort of joy would they have after overcoming the temporary obstacles that cloud their vision?
Where are the ads for affordable marriage counseling? Where are the ads for free pre-marriage counseling? Are there no Christian counselors or clergy of any kind, in all of NYC, capable of promoting marriage in this way?

I would be surprised if such counseling wouldn't financially hurt both the abortion and divorce industries.

With God all things are possible!!!

    On Monday in our Brooklyn office we received a very amazing surprised. One of our director Linda's success story came to pay us an unexpected visit. This was such an amazing and inspirational story of how her Miracle baby came to be!.
    While pregnant she was in Japan when the devastating Tsunami hit. As we all know, it took the lives of many and it was to date one of the worst natural disasters. Her story of how God not only saved her but also her baby is just God's way of saying "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME". The way Linda (our Brooklyn Director) explains how God's Angels must of held her and her baby into safety is just beautiful.
    Seeing this miracle baby should remind us that if God can save not only the mom but this beautiful baby from such a catastrophe why should we be worried about everyday-human problems. This baby is a reminder that HE will lead us to where our true happiness is and we must have faith in HIM, do his will and not allow for our fears to take control over us. 

Una masa????

Todavía sigo alucinada con lo que he escuchado hoy en la oficina de Queens...

Ella es ya una mujer hecha y derecha, con 3 hijos a su cargo y 2 abortos a su espalda, cuando hemos empezado a hablar sobre si había tenido alguna complicación en sus abortos anteriores, como la gran mayoría, me ha contestado que no, pero poco a poco a medida que ibamos avanzando en la conversación, hemos ido descubriendo que no era así, que en realidad es como siempre, padecía el sindrome postaborto.

Esta mujer, sintió como al bebé se le paraba el corazón dentro de su vientre, aquello le mató por dentro, en la clínica le dijeron, que no se preocupara que eso solo era una masa, que todavía no es un bebé!PERDÓN???CÓMO QUE UNA MASA???
Increible pero cierto señores, esto es lo que las clínicas abortistas venden a las mujeres que van indecisas, que preguntan a ver si lo que llevan dentro es un bebé o no...y digo yo...que les van a decir? que si, que lo que tienen dentro es un bebé, que a los 21 días ya le late el corazón? no señores, eso no interesa, eso supone una pérdida importante de ingresos...que vergüenza!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Love Thy Neighbor AS THYSELF

While riding on the NYC Metro the other day, I saw ads blanketing half of a metro car, and what few words the ads included, combined with the images that were present, made for a disgusting concept.  It was as if the ad twisted God's Word to promote something promiscuous.  I, for one, won't be watching to see if the show is as backwards as the metro ads.  Let's not talk about the TV show, "GCB," what GCB stands for, or the book that it's based on. Instead, let's talk about the words, "Love Thy Neighbor," which are on the ad.

It is true that on more than one occasion, Christ did say, "Love thy neighbor," but that wasn't ever the end of the sentence. Once, the Sadducees (rivals of the Pharisees) tried to ask Jesus a question that was based on a premise that they themselves didn't believe. Jesus silenced them and gave them a little lesson from God's Word. Now, let's take a look at what follows in the 22nd chapter of Matthew, verses 34-40. Here it is in the ESV:
But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”  And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the great and first commandment.  And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”


   The infamous "What Would Jesus Do" saying, Many Christians own the bracelet, but not the mind frame or actions. Let me be the first to say i know I'M NOT PERFECT! What I do know is that way too many young girls are getting abortions because of the fear of being judged by their "Christian" community. If you've read any of my previous blogs you may know that I faced an unplanned pregnancy as a highschool student in a Baptist Christian school. I also grew up in a Christian home. Knowing that I was pregnant, facing expulsion from the school I'd gone to since 4th grade because of this pregnancy, and of course not being married, made the choice for an abortion seem most appealing. I mean, I was pregnant, good Christian girls don't get pregnant out of wedlock, Right?? Wrong! "For ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."-Romans 3:23 

    This is my plea with the Christian community: PLEASE STOP JUDGING THESE WOMEN! You're judgment causes such fear in their minds that they would RATHER choose abortion over LIFE! Surely this is not what Jesus would do? The baby is NOT the sin. It is time to get rid of the fear of humiliation, and ostracism. It's time to embrace, love and help. No more babies should die because of the lack of Christianity in these "Christian" communities.

Abstract "Choices"

The more I work in the Pro-Life movement the more I am appalled at the procedure of an abortion, not just because it is the taking of an innocent human life but because women are doing it without knowing the truth!  I faced a crisis pregnancy at the age of 17. I know first hand what it is to feel scared, and like there is no other choice. These women are normal people who feel like they have no other options. Instead of first learning about these procedures and the harm  caused they make a decision to abort, and end up regretting it.

We have the knowledge and in some cases the life experiences to enlighten these women about the ugly truth of abortion. There are so many resources available that show abortion as it really is, unfortunatly too many people are not interested because of how graphic this material can be. Abortion is the killing of a baby, everyway you look at it, or dont look at it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

St. Valentine, Trampled?

Is real love under attack? Is this a cultural hit-and-run?
Of the accounts of the three historical men named, "Valentine," the one that I like most is the one who risked his life--and lost it--in order to marry young men to the women that they wanted to start families with. From what I've read, the Roman Emperor Claudius II thought that single young men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, so he forbid the marriage of young couples. Valentine obviously knew that this was an injustice, and married couples secretly, but when the Romans found out, they killed him.
So why mention all this now?  What does this have to do with us today?  What does the title of this post mean?  Who is trampling the kind of love that we should be celebrating on Valentine's Day?  What kind of love should we celebrate on Valentine's Day, anyways?  Good questions, but let's think about them in another blog.  For now, suffice it to say that the culture we live in is trampling--driving right over--every form of love that has an ounce of purity in it.

I say all this not to leave you with a sorrowful heart on Valentine's Day, but so that you will celebrate Valentine's Day in a way that will not leave you grasping a fistful of regrets later on.

Happy Valentine's Day.  Happy, that is.  Not promiscuous, but happy.  Not divorcing or breaking up, but celebrating the fact that real love overcomes struggles, because real love forgives, and speaks the truth in an environment of unmistakable love. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Con la violencia tolerancia cero!!

Hoy ha sido un día agotador en el Bronx, historias muy intensas, en especial la última que he atendido, ella tiene 22 años, un niño de 4 y ya ha pasado por un aborto, del cual afirmaba sentirse muy culpable, acude a nosotros creyendo que llegaba a otro lugar ya que desde una clínica le habían mandado justo a la acera de enfrente, pero su destino afortunadamente no era acabar allí, si no en nuestro centro.

Esta niña, tan joven, lleva a sus espaldas una historia muy dura a la vez de triste, su mamá le pegaba cuando niña y ahora es su pareja quien abusa de ella física, psicológica y sexualmente, ella lleva aguantando los abusos de ese indeseable desde que tuvo a su primer hijo, el cual es testigo de todo, este calvario que ella vive en su casa le lleva a no desear tener un hijo de semejante monstruo y decide, ella siente que equivocadamente, abortar, el le hace ver que ella sola no va a poder con un hijo, como para plantearse tener dos...nadie le informa y finalmente aborta, después de esto, ella anulada totalmente por su pareja cree que lo mejor para su hijo es vivir con el, ya que ella "no va a ser capaz" de seguir adelante sin su ayuda...La relación cada vez es peor y coge fuerzas de flaqueza para empezar a reunir dinero y poder marchar de ese infierno, el una vez más le fuerza a mantener relaciones sexuales y así dejarla embarazada de nuevo y así fue, ella que ya lo tenía todo pensado, se vuelve a encontrar atrapada, está embarazada y no tiene a donde ir.
Siendo consciente del dolor que lleva en su corazón debido al otro hijo no nacido, decide que tiene que volver a pasar por eso, que no tiene otra opción...

Después de mucho hablar de hacerle ver que ella merece una vida mejor, que tiene que salir de allí, que esa no es su única opción, es la que le volvería a marcar una herida profunda en su corazón, que no se merece hacerse tanto daño, que ya ha sufrido mucho, que tiene que sanar todo ese dolor y quererse, no dejar que nadie le humille, que CON LA VIOLENCIA TOLERANCIA CERO,que su bebé no tiene la culpa de nada, que gracias a el, ella ha dado con nosotras y que nosotras estamos dispuestas a ayudarle a salir de ese infierno y empezar de cero con sus dos hijos, ella volverá la semana que viene para que le demos las claves, las personas de contacto para salir al mundo con sus dos hijos y empezar a vivir.

Couple Chooses Life Before it's Too Late

Another case of having to do very little to save a life occurred recently when a couple that was walking into an abortion facility for their scheduled abortion was approached by our own Rosanna. She gently talked to them about the free services we offered and they agreed to come with her on our sonogram bus where she would give them a free sonogram.

I had the chance to speak with them for a while and the biggest impression I got was they were simply relieved. Both the young parents, although not married, have stable jobs and don't see a child as an insurmountable burden. It was mostly just pressure from the woman's mother and worries about finishing school that the young parents panicked and scheduled the abortion. After talking with them for a while though, it seemed to them that the mother would come around eventually and that their child was worth the temporary hardship. The man especially had a firm sense of purpose and resolve as he told me his plan for being able to support and provide for his family.

Both left feeling happy we had stopped them from going in and started to get excited about the prospect of having a child. Somehow, I don't think they would look this happy (picture) if they had an abortion.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fun at EMC

Every Tuesday at our center in Brooklyn we have a MD come in and offer a prenatal clinic for our women that have chosen life! It is such a fun day and very encouraging to see all of the excited clients and their boyfriends/husbands going through this exerience together. These are women who once considered abortion but are now smiling and happy about their choice to parent. Linda (fourth in from the right) is our director at the Brooklyn center. Seeing Linda with these girls is very inspiring. She has such an outgoing and caring personality and its exactly what these women need in this time of crisis. She has such a passion for these women and they know it! They can feel it and they come back just to visit and catch up and of course, show off their babies. The pro-life working environment at a crisis pregnancy center can be somewhat discouraging at times but I always look forward to Tuesdays at EMC in Brooklyn!

The young child

In the queens office i got a phone call from a school consulor asking me if she can send a young lady for a pregnancy test but asked if it can been done without her parents finding out. I said that all of our services are confidential I set up the appointment after her school was over. When she walked in she seem very nervous to talk to me she kept shaking her leg and moving her hair from side to side. I told her to rollout the intake form after I asked her the consuling room we talked about her parents,school and her boyfriend who which she told me she no longer with and this was the main reason why she wanted an abortion because her pRents told her from day one that if she was to get parent she would have to marry the guy and since didn't tell her parents she was dating anyone how can she go home and tell her parents she pregnant, as well her stepfather had lost his Job and only her mother was working she didn't want to put more of a burned in the family and disappointment she is there oldest child and she doesn't want to show bad habits to her sisters. I asked her how would she disappoint her parent more by them going to a hospital visiting her with a baby in hand or by them visiting her in a grave. She started to cry and said I never thought about that way. I showed her a DVD from natio geographic they show human development from conception to birth aftr that i putanother dvd that talks about how all the potencial complications she may have if she she has an abortion, by this point she still seem like abortion is something she wanted to do. I told her I had another DVD that was very graphic that show exactly how an abortion looks like, she looked at me so puzzle but said yeah I want to see it am still sure I want to do this. After I put the DVD choose blue she started to say I can't do that to my baby it real it a real baby. I told her we can help her in any way we can from a job to a maternity home she was so glad she thank me so much and right after she left the office she said thank you I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life am never going to forget this thank you


       Many of the clients we get are young women, some as young as 14 years old. They come in feeling down and like nothing can go right. Feeling like abortion is their only and best alternative. Most of them fearing their parents reaction, not wanting to tell them because they're afraid of getting kicked out of the house. Feeling alone and scared, they come to us wanting an abortion.
       Seeing the reality of what it means to have an abortion they are face with the reality of, I don't want to go through an abortion but yet I'm scared to tell my parents. Adoption for most of them is something they will not do, they just can't see themselves giving their babies away.
       Some of our clients do choose to confront the situation and deal with the consequences that have brought them to that point. Still scared of what their parents will say, they decide to keep their babies. Most soon realized that they were only scared for the unknown but are surprised with their parents support, that even thought they are still disappointed with their choices they will still stand with their daughters even if the boyfriend won't.
      This was the case of one of my clients, 18 years old, came in wanting an abortion because her boyfriend dumped her as soon as he found out she was pregnant. Not wanting to tell her parents about it because she was scared of how they would react, she felt abortion was her best and only option. We spoke with her and did everything that we could to help her, asking God to talk through us, Which their is no dough it my mind that it was him speaking to her through us. After listening to what we had to say and hearing her babies heart beat; crying, she decided to keep her baby. Later that week we spoke and she told me that her mom was really disappointed in her but that she was going to be there for her. Today both she and her mom came in for a sonogram as the Grandma wanted to see her grandchild. They both had this amazingly beautiful smile on their faces as they saw the baby moving around. As they both left, they both thanked me, that meant so much to me but without God, none of that could have been possible. 

Pro Choice Groups At March For Life

I was able to go to the March for Life this year and it was fantastic !

As my colleagues and I were on our way to the podium where prolifers were speaking, we came across a certain group.

This group was a number of people who stood against everything we stand for.

This group had their own agenda, and not God's.

This group concluded that it's more important for a woman to have a "choice" in the matter, than for an innocent child to have his or her "choice".

These were pro abortion, pro choice, pro death kinds of people.

They may think they have a point, and according to our current president, they do. However, according to the Creator of life and this universe, it's irrelevant.

God sent his son Jesus, so that we could "have life, and have it more abundantly".

They had signs like "make abortion legal" and "my body , my choice". I really do wonder what God thinks about their signs. . . 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Los atajos no son buenos.

Ayer atendí un caso muy peculiar en la oficina del Bronx, ella era una chica de 20 años, parecía tímida, tenía una mirada dulce, inspiraba ternura.

Empezamos a hablar, quería confirmar su embarazo y abortar, en caso de que fuese positivo. Le pregunté el por qué de su decisión y empezó a contarme su historía.

Actualmente ella tiene problemas con la policía, le pillaron con cocaina en su maleta y está a la espera de jucio, que será en Junio, mientras tanto porta en su tobillo una pulsera para que la policía le tenga controlada.
Me quedé asombrada con todo lo que me contó y le pregunté que como con 20 años había acabado haciendo algo así, me contestó que era la primera vez que lo hacía y que se metió en esto por 5000$ y porque su prima lo hacía de forma más habitual y ganaba dinero fácil...

Mi respuesta fue que, aunque a ella le pareciera difícil de creer y duro de escuchar, dada su situación, lo mejor que le había podido pasar era que le pillaran, porque si no, ella se habría ido metiendo cada vez más en esto y habría acabado creyendo que coger el camino más fácil es el mejor, que tenía que aprender de ese error, precisamente eso, que aunque aparentemente nos parezca que los atajos, las soluciones rápidas son las mejores, a la larga son las que más te perjudican y que el que juega con fuego se quema.
Ella me decía que si que tenía razón y que ella iba a aprender, que ya no se iba a meter en ese tipo de problemas, yo le dije que eso que le había dicho se aplica a todo lo que hacemos en nuestra vida, no solo es para no volver a meterse en problemas con la droga, no, es para todo lo que hagas, la moraleja de tu historia está clara, los atajos no son buenos, no te hagas daño, lucha, no elijas la solución aparentemente más sencilla, con tu embarazo pasa lo mismo, a la larga esa "solución rápida" que quieres elegir, es la que más te va a perjudicar, de lo que siembres recogerás...
Me seguía diciéndo que me entendía...pero que ahora tenía clara su decisión y por desgracia quiere coger otro atajo...

Ójala algo de lo que le dije, le haga pensar...

Si a la vida!

La semana pasada perdí a mi tia, que dolor se siente al perder a un ser querido!!, se siente un vacio inmenso...
Aún tengo ese dolor muy reciente y desde ese día tan triste, el 31 de Enero, cada vez que hablo con las chicas me acuerdo de ella, de mi tia, que desgraciadamente nos dejó y les digo, vosotras llevais un corazón que late dentro de vuestro vientre, portais una vida en vuestro interior, con lo dolorosa que es la muerte, vosotras que teneis la oportunidad de tener vida, como no os alegrais? como no apostais por eso? una vida siempre saca una sonrisa, la muerte provoca el llanto, duele, no desperdicieis vuestro regalo, valorar la suerte que teneis, decir SI A LA VIDA, sonreir!!!
No os caveis vuestra propia tumba, realmente sois unas afortunadas.

Reaching Out To Those In Need

One of our EMC interns had a client by the name of Ebony who was in need of baby supplies.  She has six children and one on the way.  Since we have supplies specifically for donating to mothers in need we were able to help out.  I made the drive to New Jersey and dropped off what I could that would be useful to her and she was very thankful.  It looked like a happy home filled with lots of playful children.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What The Abortion Atmosphere Is Like


I had a client in her 30's come to our center for a consultation. She is pregnant and in her first trimester.

She has been able to give birth to 5 wonderful children. She also has a history with abortion.

She almost had 3 abortions, but only made it through 2. This is the story that she told me during the consultation. Here is what happened:

She scheduled herself an appointment to get an abortion in the city. She arrived on time, put on the gown they gave her, and waited on the table for the nurse to come in with the drugs.

The nurse completed the injections of the drugs to numb the pain. The only things left to happen was for the doctor to come in and perform the actual abortion. Finally he came. As he was getting on his gloves, something abnormal happened. The whole room heard a loud scream and excessive crying along with it. It was coming from a patient in a different room. 

It was from the last woman the doctor performed the abortion on. The doctor then turns to (my now client) and says to her, "I'm so sorry. I'll be right back". He leaves the room with my clients body positioned to get this abortion, drugs already injected in her body, and mind all made up for this action to take place. 

He ends up taking half an hour to come back to my client. She told me, "My legs started gettin numb. So I said, 'just forget it' ". So, she left the clinic that day, continued on with prenatal care, and had her now 5 month old son ! Praise God. 

But this is only one story of what can and does go on at abortion clinics in this country. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

The 100% Effective Way to Avoid Pregnancy

Many times when sidewalk counseling the people that the counselor talks to exiting and entering the abortion facility are there for services other than abortion. There is plenty of opportunity however, to still spread a positive message about the truth of sexuality.

This picture on the left is one such instance. Of course, some people may say that they aren't getting an abortion when they actually are, but in this case I'm very confident because the couple was leaving the facility before the doctors had even arrived.

When the couple says that they aren't interested in getting an abortion or don't believe in them, I will explain to them that obtaining services from the abortion mill that aren't related to abortion is still supporting the facility. More importantly however, I will try to convey the message of chastity.

This may be surprising, but many people receive this message well. I'll start by asking what the best way to not get pregnant is - they'll reply to use some form of birth control. Wrong! The best way - and the only way that is 100% effective, is to abstain from sex. This is obvious, but I think some people are relieved to hear this - almost like a light bulb going off. "Oh yes, this is the correct answer." Of course there is no way of knowing whether or not the people will follow through, but at least someone is telling them the truth.

Even if there is only a Planned Parenthood nearby where they 'only' refer for abortions. I think that sidewalk counseling even at a place like that would be effective because of what I have just said - people need to know the truth of human sexuality.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Be The Voice For The Unborn

    No aborted baby can ever grow up to say
they were glad that they weren't born. No

 aborted baby can grow up to say anything. This
 is where you and I come in. It's time to be the

voices of the unborn! No woman WANTS to have an abortion, there are so many emotional

 and physical side effects. These women feel like it's their only way out. They feel the pressures of

the world, of their families, friends, bills, etc. The fear and the pressure of their individual situations

 blinds them to the fact that they are the lifeline to the baby growing inside of them. They need support. They need someone to believe in them. They need to see God's love through me and you. Get involved!

Be the voice for the unborn!!!'s all about freedom.

Recently while I was training at one of our centers, I sat in on a counseling session of a very young girl who had come in for a pregnancy test. She'd actually been in for a test some weeks before, but wanted to be sure so we agreed to give her another. She and her boyfriend were both relieved that she wasn't pregnant.

The girl- let's call her Megan- was 15 and her boyfriend was 16. They were both darling kids and obviously adored each other. Our counselor spoke to her alone, and began by asking her a few questions about her life and situation. She was very quiet and looked away shyly at first, but finally opened up to the counselor's warm and friendly personality. At this point we discovered something very surprising- she and her boyfriend were both virgins! But because they had become more intimate and had some sort of sexual mishap, Megan wasn't sure if she could have gotten pregnant or not and she was hearing conflicting opinions from her friends. Her paranoia led her to our center- twice.

The counselor began to talk with Megan about her relief at finding out that she wasn't pregnant, about how she wasn't ready to have a baby in her life, and how having a sexual relationship with her boyfriend could lead to a baby, because babies are the natural consequence of sex. Then he spoke about the one and only way ensure that you never get pregnant- abstinence.

As the counselor began to elaborate on the benefits of abstinence before marriage, Megan listened intently with trusting blue eyes wide open, as if she felt that the counselor was her big brother. He gently explained about the unnecessary burdens of a sexual relationship, especially for someone so young. Sex is like duct tape- it emotionally binds two people together with the "Love Hormone" oxytocin, and breaking off that relationship is an emotional ripping apart. And it has much more of an effect on girls than on guys. Chastity, on the other hand, creates freedom...freedom from unnecessary worries, emotions, babies, STD's.

"You have your whole life ahead of you!" he said. And again something along the lines of, "You are a princess... you deserve the best. You deserve to share this with someone who is going to love you for the rest of your life." The counselor told her about those of his female friends who are saving themselves for their spouse, and how amazing it is to see the level of respect they have for themselves and others have for them. They are so incredibly happy when they get married, he said.

When the counselor finished, he looked at Megan, smiled, and said with a laugh, "Now that we've said alllll that, do you think we're completely crazy?" "No, no!" she assured us. "I really liked what you said." She was extremely happy to have talked with the counselor and was very thankful for all the information. "After being so worried that I was pregnant, I don't really feel like doing any of that stuff anymore."

Like the vast majority of kids in New York City, it seems, she had never heard a chastity message before, and it had probably never even crossed her mind that such a lifestyle even existed! Although we will never know what choice she made after she left our center, we gave her a choice. We created an alternate path for her by opening her eyes to information that she'd never heard before. It was undoubtedly the first- and possibly the last- time for her to hear such a message. And I could see immediately the benefit of her having this kind of conversation with a man.  As she left, I silently prayed that she would never forget that honorable guys like that really do exist.