Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Unofficial EMC Internship Promo Video

Abby and I were having some fun and put together a little "promo video" (as we like to call it) or memoir of the experience of being an intern for EMC. It's like a tribute to all the interns of past and present as well as some insight into what brings us here in the first place. New York has been, I think for all of us, a place of adventure and a non-stop series of new experiences. On top of that, and more importantly, our time with EMC has been eye-opening and life-changing for all of us in many ways. We have pretty much concluded that there is no other work quite like this one and we want to share what we've learned with everyone else who is fighting the good fight or perhaps is being led by God to begin.

Again, this is non official, it's just for fun. Hope you enjoy!

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