Thursday, December 8, 2011

Like It Or Not, Money Is Important

Crisis pregnancy centers cannot exist without money. Money interferes in some way, some how.

For example, this is a picture of myself and 2 other EMC interns in front of a sonogram machine at a CPC in Massachusetts.

The director of the CPC was telling us that pro-lifers have heard the cause of what they were doing, and from there, decided to donate money to buy this expensive machine.

This is just one of the many expenses a CPC comes across. Take the existence of Expectant Mother Care (EMC) for example. We have over 10 offices within 4 of the boroughs of New York Cities. As most people know, office space or any space for that matter in NYC is highly expensive.

Just for the counselors and sonogram technicians to have an area to do their work costs thousands of dollars per month. Like it or not, money is important.

Scripture says "the love of money is the root of all evil". However, if people who have an abundant amount of money, who are filled with the Holy Spirit, and who know and love the Lord , have the opportunity to take a potential evil product, and use it for not only good, but greatness.

It is a great work we are doing here. Think. We are literally saving lives. When we show up to work, our clients carry another life inside of them. What we do on a day to day basis is make or break for that child's life! It's extraordinary what the Lord allows us to do. But we cannot do it without the help of your donations. God uses you and He uses us. We are a team.

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