Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Pregnant Woman Needs Help, Not an Abortion

I was talking to a friend the other day who is pro choice. He works on Wall Street, so intelligence is no doubt evident among his background. He was explaining to me the difficulty he has in understanding the pro life side.

Then he told me that he got a lot of help from his "big brother" from his fraternity in college who happened to be pro life. He asked his big brother, "how does someone like you , who is so smart- maybe the smartest guy I know-, stand against abortion and say the woman doesn't have a choice?"

His big brother responded with a story: There are 2 men and a young boy stranded on the boat in the middle of the sea. They have no food but lots of water. The water lasts them for many weeks, but they still have no food. They are getting to the point of dying from starvation.

The 2 men talk to each other about what they should do. Finally, their conclusion was to kill the boy and eat him in order to survive. A few days after they did this, they were rescued.
They were taken to court. They were on trial for the murder of the young boy. The trial lasted for a long time and the final verdict was guilty.

Both men were guilty for the murder of the little boy and here's why: Who are they to decide which one should have died? Who are they to have that power over the life and death of another human being?

The story has ended, but my point has been clear. Who are we to say a woman can choose over the life and death of her child? Who is she that can demand the final verdict in the life of another human being?

And that's why I stand outside of abortion clinics in NYC with my sign (this one's in spanish because I was in Jackson Heights, Queens) that reads "A pregnant woman needs help, not an abortion".

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