Monday, October 3, 2011

A New Catholic Understanding The Traditional Rosary. And It's Beautiful

The history of the Rosary fascinates me.

I just converted from being a Protestant all my life to Catholicism.

The journey I went on to get there was exciting and is still adventurous in its own spectacular way.

There is a variety of ways to look at the history of the Rosary. Here are a few:

Paul of Thebes (234 to 347) is said to have recited 300 Our Fathers each day, counting them by shifting pebbles from one pile to another. The objective in mind was to "pray without ceasing". The Irish monks used to sing the 150 Psalms, dividing into three groups of 50. In the 11th century, the Hail Mary rose in popularity.

In the 15th century, the Dominican Alan de la Roche suggested to meditate on the Incarnation during the recitation of the first 50 Hail Marys; on the Passion during the second; and on the Resurrection, Ascension, and Glorification during the third.

The most recent development in the history of the Rosary is the addition of five more mysteries: the Mysteries of Light or Luminous Mysteries, by Pope John Paul II. They were added in the Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae on October 16th 2002. That date is rapidly approaching us now !

40 Days for Life has already begun. It's the event that hundreds are doing around the globe, seeking to end abortion.

Whatever city, state, or country you are in, find an abortion clinic, stand on the outside of the legal lines, and pray. For me, the Rosary is what I will be meditating on. Cheers.

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