Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sonogram Bus

I decided to come to NYC last summer. Then, I started to read the blog and the EMC website and I discovered the Sonogram Bus! I asked myself why it was neccesary. I knew the answer less than 12 hours after arriving, because that is when I went out to the abortion clinic.

Our job in front of the abortion clinics is to talk to the women and offer them options. Even though we offer real help, it can still be difficult to reach them. They have many conflicting emotions about the abortion they are seeking.
Once we have the chance to speak, the turnaround is kind of easy, because in the Sonogram Bus they can see their baby and hear their child´s heartbeat. The sonogram is so powerful!

Here is EMC in action shown on a brief film of our work at NYC Abortion Mills, made by visitors. Using us as a model they want to
expand our type of outreach with FREE ultrasounds.

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