Sunday, November 28, 2010


A week ago, a thirty-one year old woman came into our Brooklyn Office for a pregnancy test,that was all she came in for. But as she walked in, something about her specially held the Brookyln Office director's attention. It wasn't about this woman's appearance, because she looked averagely okay, but her eyes. From those eyes, the director sensed this woman needed more than a pregnancy test. She needed help with her children and accommodation.

When the pregnancy test was done and came out negative, she was pleased and almost started off to the door when the director stopped her. They both sat down and talked for a while and at the end of their conversation, Linda's intuition about the woman's unspoken needs was confirmed. This woman was being threatened by her landlord to be thrown out of the house before her rent expired, she had no money to buy coats and food for her kids.

This made Linda leave all she was doing and help get food and solve the accommodation problem through the Catholic Charities Organization. Within three days, because Linda took the situation as a matter of urgency, the lady's three-fold problem of accommodation, coats and food was solved. The third day when the woman came to get the coats for her three sons, the way we all related was totally amazing, it was like we had known each other all our lives. She felt very comfortable speaking with all of us.

This woman came in just for a pregnancy test, but got more than she expected. Her hidden needs were detected and met, not by us, as Linda always says, but by God through us and other organizations like Catholic Charities.

1 comment:

Kathy Offerman said...

And the pro-deathers want to claim that the pregnancy care centers don't care about the women. Show me a PP that would have done one thing to help this woman! God bless you for your work.