Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Abortion Hurts Women

It was getting later in the afternoon at Dr. Emily abortion clinic so we were well aware that all of the women leaving had likely just had abortions. One girl in particular came out looking very wounded and vulnerable. We could barely say hello before she started wailing - she claimed to have changed her mind last minute, but already sedated, she couldn't summon the strength to demand the doctor not commit the abortion. We all felt helpless and angry.

She talked to one of our sidewalk counselors for a while about healing and forgiveness and then since I was getting ready to leave, I gave her a ride home.

She was told that her pain could someday be used for good in sparing other women from similar fates, but other than that the ride was very silent. The sense in the car was heartbreaking - we both solemnly realized what happened. However, I'm sure she was grateful that I wasn't preaching or being nosy. I was just listening when she felt like saying something.

Even on the hardened streets of the Bronx, many women will sense an uneasiness about experiencing abortion. Some will become even more emotional, crying in recovering rooms and becoming depressed.

And some will become emotionally ruined. This women I drove home was not in good shape - physically, but more dramatically emotionally and spiritually. It just shows me concretely that it is another duty of ours as pro-lifers to help women like these discover forgiveness and healing, and just how evil abortion is.

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