Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sandy Baby

As you know, last week New York City, along with the rest of the mid-Atlantic and the northeast, was hit hard by Hurricane Sandy. The entire public transportation system was shut down for almost three days. We were not able to get to work on Monday or Tuesday, and when we finally ventured out of the house on Wednesday, I realized how blessed we were in the Lifehouse. We never lost power, even though the lights flickered several times. We didn't have any huge trees fall, the biggest thing we had was a medium-sized branch on the sidewalk in front of the house. Really, we were almost unaffected by the wrath of Sandy. However, as soon as we got back to work, it became clear just how ruthless and damaging Sandy was to the entire city. There were still no trains crossing the East River to Brooklyn by Friday, so I made the 2 1/2 hour trek through Queens and East Brooklyn to the office that morning. And good thing too, as we saw 5 women that day. Saturday, we saw 6 in Queens, including a turn around. It's clear that New Yorkers are slowly getting back to life as usual. For some, it's easy. For others, it will take a little longer. Please continue to pray for the entire city, as we are not out of the woods yet, and a huge nor'easter is heading our way this week!

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