Saturday, October 20, 2012

All Glory be to God!

     It was pouring rain.  I repositioned my umbrella so the wind wouldn't break it.   In between prayers I mused at how crazy I looked to passer buyers.  A lone girl, holding pamphlets, standing in the rain, apparently talking to herself.  A Crazy girl.  I was at the back entrance so there wasn't a whole lot of traffic in and out of Emily's abortion center especially so because of the rain.  A girl entered the far gate into the parking lot and I watched as she lit a cigarette and stood in the rain taking visibly long drags.  As many yards away from me as she was I could see and sense her stress.  A while later a woman walked by me going into the clinic.  I spoke hoping I was using the right words.  She didn't look at me as she continued past and disappeared behind the door.  I took a deep breath and continue on with my rosary.  I saw two girls walking up on my left.  I walked up and met them and asked if they had an appointment at Emily's clinic.  One of the girls nodded and I handed her a pamphlet as I asked if she knew how far along she was in her pregnancy and I told her that we could give her a free ultrasound in the white bus.  It will only take five minutes whereas in Emily's she would have to wait a couple hours.  They looked a little dubious but I smiled and continued speaking and they followed me to the bus.   As we waited for Roseanna to set up the ultrasound machine Lilly and I talked to them asking why she couldn't have the baby.  She told us she wants to go to college and she is too young for a baby.  Not ready.  They started feeling very unsure of their surroundings and her friend looked as if she was about to bolt.   I switched the conversation asking where she had got her shoes and were there are some good places to shop in The Bronx.  At this point Roseanna came in to take the girls to the back room.  I waited in the front saying silent prayers.  Through the door I heard the strong, fast heartbeat of the baby.  A few minutes after that Roseanna poked her head out and said "It's a boy! 24 weeks!".  I was able to go in the back and see the ultrasound.  Both the girls were crying and the friend stroked the girl's hair as she lay on the bed looking up at her baby.  "Look at all that hair!"  Roseanna said as she pointed it out.  "I have always wanted a boy,"   the girl smiled still crying.  As they left her friend took off her coat and put it over the young mothers shoulders to help shield her from the rain.  I congratulated her and she told me thank you.  I smiled barely holding back my joyful tears as I responded  I was so glad I had been there to talk to her.  "So am I."  She replied.   

What a gift God gave me to allow me to be present while he allowed his grace to work on that girl's heart.   For the Holy Spirit to move her and to give her the courage and openness of heart to enter that bus for the ultrasound.   Praise God from whom all good things flow!!   There is nothing more I can say then glory be to God!  All Glory be to God now and forever!!!

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