Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Baby Is Never a Mistake!

On Monday I counseled two girls, one right after the other, who both were deadest on having an abortion.  I spent a long time with each, exhausting every line of logic and information I could give them to no avail.   Just as a new girl entered the office Maggie arrived.  Feeling rather down and exhausted from my two previous consultations I asked Maggie if she would take the next girl.  Maggie told me she hadn't eaten lunch yet so I squared my shoulders and invited the next girl back.  God is so good.  :)  As I started talking with her my spirits couldn't help but lift as her infectious joy filled the room.  She was 21 and had a three year old daughter at home.  She told me she and her boyfriend had been through a lot but were making ends meet.  They were renting a small room and she was working on finishing collage which was why, she told me, she was nervous and had come in to take the test because the timing wasn't all that great for a baby.  At this point in the conversation I steal up my nerves and ask the  "If your test is positive what do you plan to do with this pregnancy?" question.   "Oh I would parent!"  She stated decidedly and then launched into the most Pro-life dialogue I have ever heard from a girl coming into EMC for a pregnancy test.   "You know I said it was bad timing for a baby, which it is,  but a baby is never a mistake.   My three year old daughter wasn't "planned" but she is defiantly not a mistake.  And I don't think a baby should have to pay for my mistake.  I know I wasn't as careful as I should be and that abstinence is the 100% sure way but that's my problem not the baby's.   I don't believe in abortion and my boyfriend doesn't believe in abortion and we would never do that."  I wanted to cry as she went on about how she loves babies and could never do that.  After my first two girls, who so decidedly wanted an abortion, you start to feel as if absolutely no one in the whole city of New York wants a baby and respects that tiny life.  Then, just when I need some encouragement, God sends me that sweet, joyful girl and shows me that "There is some good out there still worth fighting for." - Sam LOR. 

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name - Psalms 100:4

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