Monday, October 25, 2010


One of my co-workers gave me a shirt today. It said something like ''A woman has a choice over her own body. Even in the womb''. That is so true. It made me think. Since most people think it´s ok to abort if the mother is too poor to support the baby, lets just imagine that an extremely poor girl wants an abortion. Two scenario's:

1. She has an abortion and continues with her life with Post Traumatic Abortion Disorder, mother of a dead baby just as poor and broke as before.

2. The mother decides to keep the baby, she gets prenatal and when baby is born, the mother gets help with the delivery, gets help after her birth with clothes and a place to stay. All with the (free) help of EMC.

An abortion doesn't change the circumstances. Often women think their situation is allready chaotic, and they can't have a baby because of that. They forget the oppertunities a child can bring. And that she isn't alone. A wise woman once told me: If girls would abort their babies every time a girl becomes pregnant poor and unplanned, the world would be empty.

The world is filled with lots of people. And population is increasing. Lets keep it that way.

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