Sunday, May 31, 2009

Present-Day Pentecost

In the last few weeks working as an intern for EMC, I have seen the Lord doing great things. Before this summer I had no experience in this type of work. This week, another intern and myself actually ran one of our offices in the Bronx. I have seen the Holy Spirit working through myself and all those surrounding me. During my time in the pregnancy centers, on the sidewalks, and witnessing small subway conversations, it is only too clear that we rely completely on the Holy Spirit to work through us. We are merely God's instruments: acting as His hands and feet. We are thankful that He has chosen to work through us to connect with expectant mothers and save innocent lives within the womb.

I recently heard someone remark, "These are the best of times. These are the worst of times."

This has never been more true. When watching the news it often seems that there is little to hope for, but I can attest and assure we are winning the battle one heart at a time. Love and compassion will always triumph--the war has already been won for us.

On this Pentecost Sunday, my prayer is that the Holy Spirit may descend once again and overflow our hearts. That the spirit will continue to guide our words and actions to bring glory to the kingdom on earth.

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