Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Healty Abortion?

Today at the center on Jerome Avenue, a young couple came in seeking out an abortion. The mother was told by her doctor that due to the complications she had during the delivery of her now two-year-old, she should not have kids until age 25. Her and her boyfriend believed they needed this abortion for health reasons. However, after talking with them, and watching the video on the abortion procedures and potential complications, their attitudes quickly changed. Atleast 4 times during the video, her concerned boyfriend looked to her and said, "your not getting this abortion." Even if getting pregnant at 25 rather than 19 would reduce the risk of complications, the terribly unnatural procedure of abortion is far more dangerous physically and emotionally, than the very natural event of child birth. The couple were very grateful for having met us and for receiving the information we provided for them. The mother is scheduled for an ultrasound next Monday and plans to parent. Please pray for her.

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